monitoring tools for DBA

  • Hi,

    Please suggest monitoring tools Basically, I want to be able to monitor the servers, whether it be resources, disk space, job running status, etc.

    our Production server are 2 different Network how to configure the Monitoring tools for the Both n/w

    our main purpose is

    Scheduled backups jobs monitoring status(success/failures)

    Agent Jobs status

    Db status(healthy)

    CPU utilization

    top 10 Long running Queries status

    Please reply soon

  • Hi James

    You can get some information from Activity Monitor within SQL 2008.

    As for 3rd party tools we use SQL Sentry. We did test a few at the time.

    This monitors CPU, Memory, Waits,Disk IO, disk space etc along with currently running statements and historical statements run (along with query plans). Also monitors blocking and deadlocks.

    We find it very useful!!

  • I'd suggest you download a copy of SQL Monitor[/url] from Red Gate software. Based on the list of monitoring needs you think you have I think it might be a good fit.

    You can also see SQL Monitor in action monitoring the SQL Server Central databases live by going here.

    Full disclosure: I'm a Red Gate employee.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • If you are not going to monitor constantly, you can use, at the moent they are in version 6. It is a very handy tool.

  • Grant Fritchey (7/21/2011)

    I'd suggest you download a copy of SQL Monitor[/url] from Red Gate software. Based on the list of monitoring needs you think you have I think it might be a good fit.

    You can also see SQL Monitor in action monitoring the SQL Server Central databases live by going here.

    Full disclosure: I'm a Red Gate employee.

    I use SCOM at the moment, but I'm sure SQL Monitor will be better.

  • Try SQL Stripes - it does exactly what you're looking for.


  • Or write your own ... jobs that run check procs & output to central db or powershell / dos cms that call procs you've written to check.

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