Maintenance Plan for Log backups failing

  • Good Morning!

    There are 3 databases for which I am taking log backups all of them were working fine until Monday. One database went into 'Suspect' so I had to recover the database from the backup but log backups were working fine for other two databases.

    When the suspect database came online I had to save the maintenance plan to pick the changes for log backups soon after that I started getting error for log backup for the suspect db I recovered.

    Then I took a full backup and transaction log backup by running the script and its all fine even I created a SQL server job to run its running fine.

    But for some reason the Maintenance job is giving error for other 2 databases maintenance plan is running fine. All the backups are on only one drive that is ‘X’ and for rest all databases its working fine

    Executing the query "BACKUP LOG [OperationsManager ] TO DISK = N'X:\\SQLBackups\\Transaction_Log_backups\\TestManager \\ TestManager_backup_201011241148.trn' WITH RETAINDAYS = 2, NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N' TestManager_backup_20101124114814', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10

    " failed with the following error: "Cannot open backup device 'X:\\SQLBackups\\Transaction_Log_backups\\ TestManager \\ TestManager_backup_201011241148.trn'. Operating system error 3(error not found).

    BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    Thanks in advance

  • X:\\SQLBackups\\Transaction_Log_backups\\ TestManager \\

    Is the path correct? I see two \\ everywhere

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Sqlsavy (11/24/2010)

    Good Morning!

    There are 3 databases for which I am taking log backups all of them were working fine until Monday. One database went into 'Suspect' so I had to recover the database from the backup but log backups were working fine for other two databases.

    When the suspect database came online I had to save the maintenance plan to pick the changes for log backups soon after that I started getting error for log backup for the suspect db I recovered.

    Then I took a full backup and transaction log backup by running the script and its all fine even I created a SQL server job to run its running fine.

    But for some reason the Maintenance job is giving error for other 2 databases maintenance plan is running fine. All the backups are on only one drive that is ‘X’ and for rest all databases its working fine

    Executing the query "BACKUP LOG [OperationsManager ] TO DISK = N'X:\\SQLBackups\\Transaction_Log_backups\\TestManager \\ TestManager_backup_201011241148.trn' WITH RETAINDAYS = 2, NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N' TestManager_backup_20101124114814', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10

    " failed with the following error: "Cannot open backup device 'X:\\SQLBackups\\Transaction_Log_backups\\ TestManager \\ TestManager_backup_201011241148.trn'. Operating system error 3(error not found).

    BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    Thanks in advance

    Is this 'TestManager' a database or a folder (or a folder created to hold a database)? The double '\\'s' are ok but i questions the one that shows:

    'X:\\SQLBackups\\Transaction_Log_backups\\ TestManager \\ TestManager_backup_201011241148.trn'

    I dont believe that the spaces between TestManager and the '\\'s' are correct. I have seen something like this when we accidentaly get a trailinf space on to a db name. Can you please check this?


    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • Yes the db is TestManager and maintenance plan does create a subfolder for log backup as 'TestManager'

    The same path is working fine for other two database log backup.

    but only for the suspect db which I recovered log backup is failing with error.

    I have attached my maintenance plan setup.

    Please have a look and advice


  • If you right click on database and pick rename, does the name have a leading or trailing space?

    The other thing to try is to create a new maint plan, it is not unknown for plans (the ssis packages) to become currupted in some way. This is especially common if you open/modify the plan in different patch/code levels of SSMS.

    For example i run the 2k8 ssms and cant modify 2k5 maint plans cause the layouts get screwed etc.

    Let me know.


    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • thanks a lot Adam.

    The database was restored with trailing space we renamed it and log backups are fine now.

    Thanks a ton!

  • Glad to help 🙂

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

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