Devide by zero encountered

  • Hi Please help

    I get a devide by zero error when I run this query, can someone please show me how to resolve.


    @EndPeriod Numeric(18,0),

    @StartPeriod Numeric(18,0)

    Set @EndPeriod = 200909

    Set @StartPeriod = substring(convert(varchar(6), @EndPeriod),1 , 4) + '01'


    Select x.race, x.period,

    Calc = case when hires + terminations = 0 then 0

    else Round(Convert(Float, hires + terminations) / Headcount*100,2) end,

    Headcount, Terminations, Hires

    from (


    Headcount = case when sum(case when Headcount ='Headcount' then 1 else 0 end)= 0 then 0

    else sum(case when Headcount ='Headcount' then 1 else 0 end)end,

    Hires = case when sum(case when Headcount = 'NewHire' then 1 else 0 end) = 0 then 0

    else sum(case when Headcount = 'NewHire' then 1 else 0 end) end,

    Terminations = case when - sum(case when Headcount = 'Termination'then 1 else 0 end) = 0 then 0

    else - sum(case when Headcount = 'Termination'then 1 else 0 end) end,

    dt.Race, dt.Period

    FROM DTIHeadcount dt inner join ReportingStructure R

    ON dt.CostCenter = R.CostCenter

    Where dt.Period between @StartPeriod and @EndPeriod

    and R.Consolidate in ('Retail Central Unit')

    -- and R.Level3 in (@Level3)

    and dt.staffno is not null

    and dt.race not like 'sa%'

    Group By dt.Race, dt.Period) x

    Order By x.Period


  • What are your business rules for when Headcount =0 ?

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Hi Thanks for the feedback

    according to my thinking if headcount = 0 then that department should not even be there. anyway I found that headcount is not 0 but is gradually decreasing thus the problem arose where terminations + hires = 0

    I resolved with

    Calc = case when hires + terminations = 0 then 0 when headcount = 0 then 0

    else Round(Convert(Float, hires + terminations) / Headcount*100,2) end

    Thanks for the response

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