Creating new files each time we run the package

  • Hello,

    How can I create a new files with current timestamp as filename and populate data from a table into the file created ,each time someone runs the package.

    Any help is really appreciated

  • Deepthy,

    Please note:

    1. FST(File System Task to create a new file)

    2. user variable to store a recent time stamp

    3. Append the file name accordingly with the variable

    4. DFT(Data Flow Task) to insert table data to flat file

    Also make surely to set delay validation of FST to true

    Raunak J

  • Thanks for the reply.

    How can I create a file using FTP task there is no operation called Create file(create file is in source connection).

    Thnaks in advance

  • It is FST (File System Task) and not FTP task:-):-)

    Raunak J

  • Sorry it was a mistake. I actually mean FST.

    NO create file operation in FST.


  • Please note:

    1. Using scripting task, you can prepare the code to append the day when you are creating the file as a suffix to the file like File_name_ddmmyyyy.csv

    2. use DFT(Data Flow Task) to insert table data to flat file

  • Hi Deepthy

    I had to do a similar thing each time - I have used the following -

    a For each loop container

    Execute SQL task and


    Please find attached is a doc that might help you with this... Please let me know if i can help any further...

    Mine had to go through and create a dynamic excel sheet each time as well but the idea behind is the same thing... I have a template created and each time the package ran it created a excel sheet renamed it as the product id and saved it as well...

    Also attached is a doc for moving files to the archive folder if you needed to do that...

    They may help you out



  • Thanks a lot Vani.

    Your Solutions is really working and helped me.

    Thanks a lot again

  • Hi Deepthy

    Just got your message... Glad to help...



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