anybody try using cozy rock's data flow task plus

  • Hi ,

    Can anybody try the cozy rock's data flow task plus. Why it is not working the way demo has given, eventhough I did everything similar. Can some one try it plz. Here is the link.

    Please let me know if it works.



  • Hi,

    Just tried it. Had a problem getting it to work initially. resolved it by creating a new solution and then added the demo package to the new solution. When I did this, i received a warning pop up about changing the "entry point" module name. I think this is happened because the package is designed for MS sql server 2005, I'm using 2008. I then had to:

    1. Change the localHost.tempdb connection to point to my local server - I think this was necessary because my computer is on a domain network.

    2. Change the File variable expression property to point to the correct file location where i had saved the downloaded csv files (use double back slashes in the path).

    3. Create 2 tables named tesco and walmart with fields mirroring the csv files in the tempdb database.

    After those changes, the package ran successfully

  • Have you tried to deploy the package to server and launch it from job agent? It work fine for me in VS 2008 however not working if launching from job agent.


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