error while converting string to date using script task

  • Hi , i am using script task to convert from string to date datatype.source is flat file and destination is sql server 2005 database.

    this is the code i am using :

    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

    If Trim(Row.REQUESTDATE) = "" Then

    Row.requestdateFIX = Nothing


    Row.requestdateFIX = FixDate(Row.REQUESTDATE)

    End If

    If Trim(Row.SCHEDULESHIPDATE) = "" Then

    Row.scheduleshipdateFIX = Nothing


    Row.scheduleshipdateFIX = FixDate(Row.SCHEDULESHIPDATE)

    End If

    If Trim(Row.PROMISEDATE) = "" Then

    Row.promisedateFIX = Nothing


    Row.promisedateFIX = FixDate(Row.PROMISEDATE)

    End If

    If Trim(Row.LINEENTERDATE) = "" Then

    Row.lineenterdateFIX = Nothing


    Row.lineenterdateFIX = FixDate(Row.LINEENTERDATE)

    End If

    If Trim(Row.QTYUPDATEDATE) = "" Then

    Row.qtyupdatedateFIX = Nothing


    Row.qtyupdatedateFIX = FixDate(Row.QTYUPDATEDATE)

    End If

    If Trim(Row.EXTRACTEXECDATE) = "" Then

    Row.extractexecdateFIX = Nothing


    Row.extractexecdateFIX = FixDate(Row.EXTRACTEXECDATE)

    End If

    End Sub

    Function FixDate(ByVal sBadDate As String) As Date

    Dim sYear, sMonth, sDay As String

    sYear = Right(sBadDate, 2)

    sMonth = Mid(sBadDate, 4, 3)

    sDay = Left(sBadDate, 2)

    If sYear > "80" Then

    sYear = "19" & sYear


    sYear = "20" & sYear

    End If

    Select Case sMonth

    Case "JAN"

    sMonth = "01"

    Case "FEB"

    sMonth = "02"

    Case "MAR"

    sMonth = "03"

    Case "APR"

    sMonth = "04"

    Case "MAY"

    sMonth = "05"

    Case "JUN"

    sMonth = "06"

    Case "JUL"

    sMonth = "07"

    Case "AUG"

    sMonth = "08"

    Case "SEP"

    sMonth = "09"

    Case "OCT"

    sMonth = "10"

    Case "NOV"

    sMonth = "11"

    Case "DEC"

    sMonth = "12"

    End Select

    Return CDate(sYear & "-" & sMonth & "-" & sDay)

    End Function

    End Class

    but i am getting the below runtime error:

    [Script Component [2329]] Error: System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from string "19AM-9/2-6/" to type 'Date' is not valid. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.HandleUserException(Exception e) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.ProcessInput(Int32 inputID, PipelineBuffer buffer) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostProcessInput(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 inputID, IDTSBuffer90 pDTSBuffer, IntPtr bufferWirePacket)

    can anyone please help me?i am new for ssis ....

  • I found this to convert string to a date datatype while looking for answer to above error:

    Dts.Variables("someDateTimeVariable").Value = GetDateFromString(Dts.Variables("someStringVariable").Value.ToString)

    but i don't know how to use it or declare variables for it?can someone guide me...

  • Can you show us a small subset of the data you are importing? If the formatting of the date fields is consistant, it may be easier to import all the character data directly into a staging table and then use SQL to move the data to the final destination and perform the necessary data conversions.

  • i have attached the source file :

  • I have created a staging table in the same database where i have the destination table too,and loaded all the rows into the staging table successfully,now i am going to convert string datatype to date and load into destination table.i believe this is what you told to do.

    But still i want to know how to avoid the error i got in script task.

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