Delete Join

  • Hi I am tring to delete all data from a sub entity table and link table where a certain date range is <= to the one below.

    Here is the select query that gets the data i want to remove. I just need to turn it into a delete query. I have tried several example but can't get it working. Any ideas would be great. Thanks for looking.

    select top 10 notes, createtime from wce_history h join wce_linkto l on h.uniqueid = l.luniqueid where createtime <= '1980/01/01'

  • I assume you want to delete the records from wce_history.

    delete h

    from wce_history h

    join wce_linkto l

    on h.uniqueid = l.luniqueid

    where l.createtime <= '1980/01/01'

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  • Thanks for the reply. I need to delete the associated record in the wce_linkto table too. For every row in the wce_history table there is a linked row in wce_linkto the link keys are wce_history.uniqueid = wce_linkto.luniqueid.

    Look forward to finding a solution for this. Thanks

  • Is there a foreign key between the 2 tables? Is it possible for a record to be in the history table but not the linkto table?

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  • Thanks for that, i'll have a read. In answer to your questions

    Is there a foreign key between the 2 tables? there is no foreign key

    Is it possible for a record to be in the history table but not the linkto table? This will never happen there will always be a record in the wce_linkto table if there is one added to wce_history

  • If that's the case, then you can perform 2 separate deletes

    delete from wce_linkto

    where createtime <= '1980/01/01'

    delete h

    from wce_history h

    left outer join wce_linkto l

    on h.uniqueid = l.luniqueid

    where l.uniqueID is null

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