Need help with joining new table to existing query

  • I have 3 tables with data as below.

    create table user_table (

    userid int not null identity(1,1),

    username varchar(30)


    create table subject_table (

    subjectid int not null identity(1,1),

    userid int,

    subject_chosen varchar(30)


    create table subject_parts_table (

    partsid int not null identity(1,1),

    userid int,

    subjectid int,

    subject_parts varchar(30)


    insert into user_table (username)

    select 'myuser1'


    select 'myuser2'

    insert into subject_table (userid,subject_chosen)

    select 2,'Physics'


    select 1,'Chemistry'


    select 2,'Biology'

    insert into subject_parts_table (userid,subjectid,subject_parts)

    select 2,2,'Part-1'


    select 1,1,'Part-1'


    select 2,2,'Part-2'


    select 2,null,null


    select 2,3,'Part-2'

    select * from user_table

    select * from subject_table

    select * from subject_parts_table

    The below query gives me the result I expect.

    select spt.subject_parts

    from user_table ut

    inner join subject_table st

    on st.userid = ut.userid

    right outer join subject_parts_table spt

    on spt.subjectid = st.subjectid

    where spt.userid = 2







    I have the below query which I CANNOT modify. This is an old query that is dynamically built and being used for years now.

    select .....

    from user_table ut

    inner join subject_table st

    on st.userid = ut.userid

    where ut.userid = 2

    I can only add/join subject_parts_table to this query and get the above subject_parts resultset. Can someone tell me how I can build the query to achieve this?

    -- I tried this..

    select spt.subject_parts

    from user_table ut

    inner join subject_table st

    on st.userid = ut.userid

    right join subject_parts_table spt

    on spt.subjectid = st.subjectid

    where ut.userid = 2

    -- I don't get the NULL row

    This gives the below result:





    -- I tried the below query. Here, I get the NULL row. But, this query

    -- returns all the rows twice. But my problem is I can't use DISTINCT.

    select spt.subject_parts

    from user_table ut

    inner join subject_table st

    on st.userid = ut.userid

    inner join subject_parts_table spt

    on spt.userid = ut.userid

    where ut.userid = 2

    Please suggest!!

  • Since you don't have the religion to modify existing part of the query, you may not have many options to do. Here is one way of doing it...

    SELECT spt.subject_parts

    FROM user_table ut

    INNER JOIN subject_table st ON st.userid = ut.userid



    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY userid ORDER BY subjectid ) AS rn, userid, subjectid

    FROM subject_table

    ) stc ON ut.userid = stc.userid AND stc.rn = 1

    LEFT JOIN subject_parts_table spt ON spt.userid = ut.userid



    ( spt.subjectid IS NOT NULL AND spt.subjectid = st.subjectid )

    OR ( spt.subjectid IS NULL AND st.subjectid = stc.subjectid )


    WHERE ut.userid = 2


  • Excellent!! Thank you so much Ramesh!! Its working perfectly.

    Can you please explain how this part works..

    Ramesh (5/8/2009)



    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY userid ORDER BY subjectid ) AS rn, userid, subjectid

    FROM subject_table

    ) stc ON ut.userid = stc.userid AND stc.rn = 1

    LEFT JOIN subject_parts_table spt ON spt.userid = ut.userid



    ( spt.subjectid IS NOT NULL AND spt.subjectid = st.subjectid )

    OR ( spt.subjectid IS NULL AND st.subjectid = stc.subjectid )


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