
  • Hi,

    I m facing eror in Xquery

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Config](

    [con_id] [int] NULL,

    [range_xml] [xml] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    This xml wil be stored in range_xml

    I want to get the “Column” by loop based on the RangeID

    And I want to assign the value into a local variable.

    DECLARE @count int

    SET @count = 1

    WHILE(@count <= 2)select range_xml.value('Ranges/Range/@RangeType','VARCHAR(20)') from Config
    WHERE range_xml.exist('/Ranges/Range[@RangeID =sql:variable("@count")]')

    But I got error.

    How to get the value ?

  • Hi

    As first, you should XML with "[ code="xml" ]" and "[ /code ]" (without the quotes and spaces). Otherwise it will not appear in forum

    As second, the error message would be helpful ;-). I just tried and the error I get is:

    Msg 2389, Level 16, State 1, Line 16

    XQuery [@Config.range_xml.value()]: 'value()' requires a singleton (or empty sequence), found operand of type 'xdt:untypedAtomic *'

    If you get the same it does not depend on the "exist" or the sql:variable. The reason is that your XML contains two Range items. The "exist" is the criterion for the row not for the returned XML.

    Depending on your statement you have to surround your "value" XPath with "(...)[1]" to get only one item. But this would return "Gender":

    DECLARE @Config TABLE (

    con_id int NULL,

    range_xml xml NULL


    INSERT INTO @Config

    SELECT 1, '



    SELECT @id = 1


    range_xml.value('(Ranges/Range/@RangeType)[1]', 'varchar(20)')

    FROM @Config c

    WHERE range_xml.exist('Ranges/Range[@RangeID=sql:variable("@id")]') = 1

    I think this could return the correct result you are looking for:

    DECLARE @Config TABLE (

    con_id int NULL,

    range_xml xml NULL


    INSERT INTO @Config

    SELECT 1, '



    SELECT @id = 1


    range_xml.value('(Ranges/Range[@RangeID=sql:variable("@id")]/@RangeType)[1]', 'varchar(20)')

    FROM @Config c

    WHERE range_xml.exist('Ranges/Range[@RangeID=sql:variable("@id")]') = 1



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