SQL Server 2005 SP3 Error

  • Hello,

    We tried applying the SP3 patch for Sql Server 2005 (Clustered Environment) and it was failing with the following message:

    Product : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER)

    Product Version (Previous): 2047

    Product Version (Final) :

    Status : Failure

    Log File : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Hotfix\SQL9_Hotfix_KB955706_sqlrun_sql.msp.log

    Error Number : 29512

    Error Description : MSP Error: 29512 SQL Server Setup was unable add user adaclsdb1a@acs-esg1.com to local group ACS-ESG1\ADASQLDB1_Agent.

    Bonus question:

    Does anyone know if it's acceptable to detach our application databases while performing the SP3 upgrade? We were experiencing issues with processes trying attach while performing the upgrade and we just want to make sure that everything is locked down.

    Please share your thoughts and expertise to help us through this bumpy upgrade.



  • I think that error is from the 'post update' steps.

    I don't usually perform that last step.

    If memory serves, SQL2K5 SP3 turns off the SQL Instance when you apply it.

    Your database is not only detached, but all databases on that SQL Instance are unavailable.


  • After re-reading your question I think you might mean that you can't shut down the instance because people are connecting so quickly.

    use the shutown with nowait option


    to keep that from causing problems. That will roll everything back instead of waiting for things to finish so be aware of the implications there.

    detaching could also work, but you'll have the same problem as you attempt to detach the db.


  • BOT,

    Thanks for your reply; we were not prompted by the SP 3 installation whether we wanted to do the post installation steps, it just did them. Strange error we encountered there and we were hoping that someone else has been down this road before. We did not want to open a call with MS support but may have to as material is scarce concerning what happened to us.

    The detach of application databases prior to the upgrade should be benign I hope. I did see anything in the SP 3 notes that the app dbs have to be open. I think it's only updating the engine, the version should remain unchanged.

    We have a number of points which connect to our app dbs and detaching should kill those. One privileged app process was trying to attach during the SP install and I think corrupted one of our app dbs.

    Hey dud, this was supposed to be a walk in the park, so I was told.


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