Query Problem

  • hi All

    i Have The Table Structure Like This

    DECLARE @tblLinks TABLE


    LinkID BIGINT,

    StartDate DateTime,

    EndDate DateTime,

    PhaseType int


    insert @tblLinks

    select 100,GetDate()-3,GetDate()-2,1

    insert @tblLinks

    select 100,GetDate()-2,GetDate()-1,2

    insert @tblLinks

    select 100,GetDate()-1,null,3

    select * from @tblLinks -- this is From Table

    -- Required output

    -- I Need output Like this

    Select 100 LinkID,1 PhaseType1,GetDate()-3 Phase1StartDate,GetDate()-2 Phase1EndDate,

    2 PhaseType2,GetDate()-2 Phase2StartDate,GetDate()-1 Phase2EndDate,

    3 PhaseType3,GetDate()-1 Phase3StartDate

    Please Help me



  • Hi,

    I'm not sure what your desired output is but you could try the following:

    select a.LinkID, a.PhaseType, a.StartDate, a.EndDate, b.PhaseType, b.StartDate, b.EndDate, c.PhaseType, c.StartDate

    from @tblLinks a inner join @tblLinks b on a.linkID = b.linkID and a.PhaseType=1 and b.phaseType=2 inner join @tblLinks c on b.linkID = c.linkID and c.PhaseType=3

    This code joins the same table three times based on the linkID and the phase types.

    If that is not what you are after then please explain further.

    Bevan Keighley

  • Hi

    Thanks For u r Reply ur Query is working For me 🙂

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