using sum and count together throws off the count

  • I am guessing I am forgetting something pretty easy and basic but it's driving me nuts tonight. All I want to do is a count and a sum together. However when I put the sum in, it throws the counts way off.

    For example in AdventureWorks if you wanted to know the number of sales persons for each territory, you would use this:

    SELECT st.[Name], COUNT(sp.SalesPersonID) AS 'SalesPersonCount'

    FROM Sales.SalesTerritory st

    JOIN sales.SalesPerson sp ON sp.TerritoryID = st.TerritoryID

    GROUP BY st.[Name]

    Now I want to join to the sales orders table and report on the total sales for each of those regions.

    SELECT st.[Name], COUNT(sp.SalesPersonID) AS 'salesPersonCount', SUM(soh.TotalDue) AS 'TotalSales'

    FROM Sales.SalesTerritory st

    JOIN sales.SalesPerson sp ON sp.TerritoryID = st.TerritoryID

    JOIN sales.SalesOrderHeader soh ON sp.SalesPersonID = soh.SalesPersonID

    AND soh.TotalDue <> 0

    AND YEAR(soh.OrderDate) = 2004

    GROUP BY st.[Name]

    However, it throws the counts way off. I know this is a very basic issue but I cannot remember what I need to do to get this. Thanks for your help,

  • Please try:

    COUNT(DISTINCT sp.SalesPersonID)

  • Thank you very much!

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