Get the database given a sql task

  • Hi All,

    I need to get the database name involved for any given task via sql...

    For example let's say for job sp_who2, this has to run against the 'master' database everytime.

    Is my requirement feasible.?? If yes, can someone please help me out.



  • I am not entirely sure on what you exactly wanted, but may be you are looking for DB_NAME(), this gives the database name in which it runs.


  • Ok.

    My requirement is as follows: for each sql jobs that is scheduled on the sql server, i need to know against which database the job is scheduled.

    I have 100 sql task scheduled.It'll be difficult for me to open all the task and identify the database against which the job is scheduled.

    Is there any sql whereby i can get this information. Can someone please help me out..



  • Here is the T-SQL to get the list of jobs with TSQL subsystem tasks... AS JobName, js.step_name AS StepName, js.database_name AS DatabaseName

    FROMmsdb.dbo.sysjobs j

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps js ON j.job_id = js.job_id

    WHEREjs.subsystem = 'TSQL'


    Note that, the above query doesn't check the contents of the command. So probably, there are chances that the T-SQL command in the step can change the context of the database...


  • Hi Ramesh,

    Thank you.

    I am just curious here. Is there any sql statement which can provide me same info for DTS packages. That is the db name for a given package...

    Thanks for your help and time.


  • amit (2/12/2009)

    I am just curious here. Is there any sql statement which can provide me same info for DTS packages. That is the db name for a given package...

    Unfortunately, I think this information is not available, because this information is stored in image data type.


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