Moving a DSV and a cube from 1 solution to another?

  • All I have one solution with a DSV and a Cube in it and I would like to move it into a 'master' SSAS project which contains two other cubes. Apart from stepping through all the actions to build it from scratch is there a simpler way to do this?


  • The easiest way to do this is in your new Master project, go to the Solution Explorer, right click on the project and choose Add | Existing Item. Browse to the location of your original project Ctrl-Click all the items you want to import and click Add. Depending on your data source you might need to re-enter your credentials. You should be all set at that point.

  • And what if I need to move the cube across two different servers?



  • By Cube, if you mean the database as a whole, you can do it in one of two simple ways. 1. In your BIDS(Business Intelligence Development Studio) Solution, go to the Project menu, Click Properties, Under Configuration Properties choose deployment and change the name of the server to the new server, then redeploy and reprocess. 2. In SSMS(SQL Server Management Studio), browse to the database in the object explorer, Right-Click on the database and choose Backup. Then go to your new server in SSMS. Right-Click on the "Databases" folder and choose Restore. Browse to wherever you saved the backup, fill out the rest of the fields that apply, click OK and your in business. You should note that if you put in place any server or Analysis Service specific configuration/security settings, you will need to put those in place on the new server as well.

    If on the other hand you truly meant cube, then it is best to follow the directions in my first reply, deploy to the new server and reprocess.

    If you are into getting down to the nuts and bolts, you could always do this through one of the many programming interfaces that are provided, but that is a long topic. It is probably best to just point you to BOL(Books OnLine). Under Analysis Services you will see Technical References and under that you will find details regarding the programming interfaces.

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