How to handle Collation errors when joining 2 tables of different databases

  • Hi All,

    I have 2 databases with different collations, when i try to join them it shows me the collation error please help in soloving the error.

    Thanks in advance

  • can you post the code which you are using, so some one can have a look and suggest some option

  • My Query is

    Select B.location, A.loccvg from [db1].[dbo].[dummy1] A

    inner join [db1].[dbo].[dummy1] B on A.LOCATION=B.LOCATION

  • At the end of your statement add 'COLLATE' followed by the collation name that you want the results in.

  • Thanks for you reply I have tried this thing it works.....but I am looking for something much more smarter way to avoid it as, I have many queries of these types and we have many databases on diffrent locations

  • I don't think there is a way other than converting the databases to be in the same collation, collation is a very annoying thing when you get into it for cross collation queries and for converting databases.

  • you can ignore this when creating a linked server, there is a collation option , you can turn it off or on , if you are using 2005, you can change collation of a column, this will be more complex and annoying when you write SQL 😀

  • You could just use COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT.

    At least you would not need to know what collation setting you are playing with. You would still need to put this into each of the queries that have the problem

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