missing index

  • i found that sql server 2005 that i use has some missing indexes may be more than 100 missing indexes. so how do i deal with them.

  • Hi,

    Not sure I exactly understand the question, but how have you discovered these missing indexes, via the DMV's or any other method.

    If you suspect an index is needed, then you should way up it's cost against performance before you create the index.

  • i found this thru the performance dashboard......... any help please.

  • If SQL or you suspect that a new index would be benefical then you have to assess it performance impact, both positive and negative.

    For example adding an index to TableA may speed up particular reads but it will have an impact on inserts, updates and deletes as the index needs to be maintained. So it's important to select indexes for creation carefully.

    Just because SQL says it is missing does not necessarily mean you should add it.

    You can use a DMV to help identify which indexes may be of use;

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_details

    I dont know your level of SQL experience so forgive me if you already know all this.

    If you have a particularly poor performing peice of SQL code then you either evaluate it's execution plan to help determine where the impact is, or you can run it throught the database tuning advisor, however again, be wary and dont beleive everything it tells you.

    Is there anything else you are after? (Hopefully i;ve answered your question)

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