Comm vault or disk backups

  • What do you prefer? i have more than 100 databases sitting on the same server and 5-6 databases are over 100 gigs and rest are small.

    Normal full backup takes around 3-4 hours for me on all the databases.

    Pls suggest.

  • Sudiendra (6/22/2009)

    What do you prefer? i have more than 100 databases sitting on the same server and 5-6 databases are over 100 gigs and rest are small.

    Normal full backup takes around 3-4 hours for me on all the databases.

    Pls suggest.

    Well, if you dont have space constraints, disk backups are always preferred, keep there for couple of days and then move to tapes(restoration will be much faster here). If there are disk space issues, you might want to take the backups directly on the tapes.

    Pradeep Singh

  • Point noted, thanks Pradeep. But just wonder comm vault backup is not that faster or the process is complicated one?

  • Generally i've seen restoration from disk is much faster than those from tapes. After all, you take backups for situations where u might need to restore faster in case of disaster.

    Pradeep Singh

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