Help !!!!!!



    SubmissionId INT,

    AssessmentId INT,

    AttemptNo INT,

    ObtainedMarks INT,

    Attempteddate DATETIME,

    Preference TINYINT -- 1 - Hihest Score,2- LowestScore ,3- FirstAttempt,4- LastAttempt,5 -Avg


    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(1,1,1,34,GETDATE(),1)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(1,1,2,34,DATEADD(dd,1,GETDATE()),1)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(1,1,3,26,DATEADD(dd,2,GETDATE()),1)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(2,2,1,10,GETDATE(),3)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(2,2,2,34,DATEADD(dd,1,GETDATE()),3)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(2,2,3,26,DATEADD(dd,2,GETDATE()),3)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(2,2,4,33,DATEADD(dd,2,GETDATE()),3)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(3,40,1,75,DATEADD(dd,1,GETDATE()),4)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(3,40,2,71,DATEADD(dd,2,GETDATE()),4)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(4,45,1,66,DATEADD(dd,1,GETDATE()),2)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES(4,45,2,55,DATEADD(dd,2,GETDATE()),2)

    SELECT * FROM @Table

    Select * from (

    SELECT * ,


    when Preference = 1 then Row_number()over(Partition by AssessmentID,SubmissionId order by ObtainedMarks desc)

    when Preference = 2 then Row_number()over(Partition by AssessmentID,SubmissionId order by ObtainedMarks Asc)

    when Preference = 3 then Row_number()over(Partition by AssessmentID,SubmissionId order by Attemptno Asc)

    when Preference = 4 then Row_number()over(Partition by AssessmentID,SubmissionId order by Attemptno Desc)


    Row_number()over(Partition by AssessmentID,SubmissionId order by ObtainedMarks Desc)

    end As Ranks

    FROM @Table

    ) as S WHERE Ranks=1

    Is it possible to get other queries with better performance?If so how?

  • I am wondering;-) why this post is exactly the same as this one


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