Web Page result from SSIS package completion

  • I trigger several SSIS packages successfully from ASP web pages as follows:

    1) ASP Page trigger a Stored Proc on the SQL Server

    2) Stored Proc triggers my SQL Agent Job

    3) SQL Agent Job triggers my SSIS package (as proxy credientials)

    4) SSIS package executes and produces an output file (Excel and/or Text file output)

    5) ASP page is redirected to a link to click and download the output files

    Everything is working perfectly however i want to know how i can pause or delay my ASP page until the SSIS packages complete?

    At present the ASP page fires the SP and then automatically moves on before the SSIS package is complete about 30 seconds later. Therefore when the user tries to click the download file link early the output files are not ready yet. We simply display a message at the moment telling them to wait a minute before downloading.

    Is there a way to hold the ASP page until SSIS is finished and return a success result back, or a record count, etc...????

  • You'd need the web page to somehow check the status. For example this could be by checking a flag in the database somewhere and then sleeping for a bit if it's not ready yet. You can actually check whether the job is still running so maybe that can help.

    In theory it's probably not a good idea to hold the page until the package is done anyway since packages can technically take a very long time. Plus I believe the maximum timeout Internet Explorer (not sure about other browsers) gives you is 60 minutes. But maybe it's ok for you if you're sure your package will always run fairly quickly.

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