case statements to insert/update

  • I need to Insert or update the records into a table based on a condition. Can I use case statement for something like this:

    select case isnew

    when 1 then ( insert into mytable ... )

    else (update mytable set ...)


    from test_table

  • You can't do this using CASE statement, you can to handle this using 2 DML statements....

    INSERTmytable( SomeColumn )



    WHEREisnew = 1


    SETmt.SomeColumn = tt.SomeColumn

    FROMmytable mt

    INNER JOIN test_table tt ON tt.isnew = 0 AND mt.SomeID = tt.SomeID


  • Thanks. I wanted to confirm if CASE can be used for such a thing. It would make things easier 🙂

  • [font="Verdana"]Check out the merge statement in SQL Server 2008.[/font]

  • gyessql (2/9/2009)

    I need to Insert or update the records into a table based on a condition. Can I use case statement for something like this:

    select case isnew

    when 1 then ( insert into mytable ... )

    else (update mytable set ...)


    from test_table

    use functions or stored porcedures

    kshitij kumar

  • Can I use dynamic sqls. Will there be a performance difference if I have more dynamic sqls in my stored proc?

  • This is not possible with CASE, but if you define functions to insert or update then you can call these in CASE expressions.

    The most simple thing is using MERGE. this very good for conditional DMLs.


    Vijaya Kadiyala

  • Is MERGE supported in Sql Server 2005?

  • No its not. I think its a new feature in SQL 2008

  • [font="Verdana"]It's absolutely a new feature in SQL Server 2008. It's certainly not available in SQL Server 2005.[/font]

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