Data Vices

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Data Vices

  • My wife would agree with you Steve, I drink too much soda. Tried going cold turkey about 6 weeks ago, ended up with a MAJOR migraine headache that wiped me out.

    I excerise, but with soccer season over, I need to get back to the gym or I'll get out of shape by the time the Spring season comes around.

  • No soda today at least 🙂

    And one (large) cup of coffee!

  • My Diet Dr Pepper is my coffee. I never developed a taste for coffee.

  • The economy is suffering enough - we just can't curb our excessive caffeinated drink habits. Coca Cola and Pepsi might not survive the onslaught....:)

    That being said - a couple more hours a week on the old elliptical would probably be my first candidate for change. With a caffeine chaser of course (just to make sure the heart is working overtime:D)

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Growing old.

    I'm addicted to it, even though it gives me no pleasure, and I can't kick the habit. And that's a pity, given I'd really like to live long enough to become a dirty old man

    Semper in excretia, sumus solum profundum variat

  • I am level-headed in all things about health. I am not drinking so much coffee. I am eating vegetables and meat proportionally. And at the dinner I am drinking a red or white wine cup besides what I am eating - fish or fowl or pork. It is about what my body wants to receive. I feel it. I need Omega-3 for decreasing colestherol in my veines or arteries, I have to eat oceanic fish (trout or salmon). And so on...

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.
  • I would really like to stop smoking but if ind myself getting quite irritable after just 2 hours if i don't have a cigarette

  • Oh, I hate smoking and its effect!! There are many peoples here where I am working who go out of the building and smoke. This is wasting of time. This time I am still working. So many opportunities to waste the time! Horror!

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.
  • Smoking is my problem. I have tried numerous times already and after say 3 months I start again. The problem is that it smells repulsive and I can smell myself sometimes. Not pot, hell no! Just normal cigarettes. Caffeine not so much although I must at least have one cup a day in the mornings at a coffee shop. Give me some nice tips on quitting smoking.:cool::cool::cool::hehe::hehe:

    :-PManie Verster
    South Africa

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Holy Bible
    I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. - Everett Mckinley Dirkson (Well, I am trying. - Manie Verster)

  • At work, if my coffee cup is empty, I go and fill it...

    Also, I love extra mature cheddar cheese and, at home, find the only way to avoid it is simply to have none in the house. At least, I've cut down on the red wine ... but unfortunately the diet cola is up!

    Outside of food, I tend to like to finish tasks properly at the end of the day, which means I miss my train home! ...Is this a vice?


  • I agree entirely, my employer sees it as unfair for only smokers to get a fag break so non smokers may have as many 'fresh air' breaks as smokers have.

    I don't even enjoy smoking any more, i started when i was young, immature and stupid and like most others i wish i never had. I will give up one day but i do find it hard as i am surrounded by smokers at work and home.

  • It is all about education. When I was a child, my family's politics was no smoking anyway. My family's friends were selected as non-smokers. I remember that I have an uncle who was a bad smoker - 2 packets a day. But when he was coming in our house my father didn't let him to smoke. My uncle was the best example for not beginning to smoke. Because he was dying as he got a lungs cancer cause of excesive smoking. He was coming to our house because my mother was making him injections with morphine to calm down his pains.

    So this is why I hate smoking! I never smoking in all my life. And I hate to stay in the neighbour of other smokers. Cause the passive smoking it is more dangerous.

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.
  • I have 2 such issues. the same 2 issues heard over and over again.

    Coffee, and Nicotene.

    Now the smoking is not that heavy. I smoke about 10 Camel Superlights a day. This comming from 20 camel filters a day 2 years ago.

    Caffienne on the other hand. I'm almost on 650mg a day. 800 they say is lethal. problem is, 650mg a day, does not do it for me any more. where it gets dangerous, is the fact that I have to take 1 tablet of 22.5 mg ephadrine to kind of activate the caffiene. without the ephadrine, caffiene has no effect on me any more. my night cap is a cup of perculated coffee. I drink that, then go to bed.

    Smoking needs to end soon, as my wife has 27 days to go before the birth of our 1st (c-section), and i will refuse to smoke when i have a child. not that i smoke in the house, but my child will not see me 1.) drunk, 2.) smoking

    Now. Im not quiting caffiene. I need to reset my body some how, so that i can get that caffiene kick from a single cup of normal strength coffee

  • I'd like to control my quick reation to things. I tend to be judgemental and quick to respond, sometimes without thinking things through.

    But then again if we were all the same life would be pretty boring.

    Life is a struggle, as long as I'm still struggling I must be alive.

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