Can this be done without temporary tables

  • Hi folks,

    I have a query that works fine as a SQL query but I can't use it in the report builder provided by an application (Lansweeper32). Is it possible to recreate this without using temp tables? Seems like it should be but after a couple of hours, I'm not getting closer to an answer. Or if there is a better way, I'd appreciate hearing about this as well. In this case, there will only be a few 1000 rows and the query won't be run more than a couple of times a day, so performance isn't a serious issue.

    /* Shows computers that have neither CP11 or CP14 installed and need installation

    Norman Heyen (c)2009 - Feb 12, 2009


    USE lansweeper32


    /* First create a table of all the machines with App1 installed */

    CREATE TABLE #Installed (Computername varchar (300))

    INSERT INTO #Installed (Computername)

    SELECT DISTINCT Computername

    FROM dbo.tblSoftware

    WHERE tblSoftware.softwareName = 'App1'

    /* Next create a table of all machines with updates already installed */

    CREATE TABLE #Updates (Computername varchar (300))

    INSERT INTO #Updates (Computername)

    SELECT DISTINCT Computername

    FROM dbo.tblRegistry

    WHERE Regkey = 'Regkey1

    OR Regkey = 'Regkey2'

    /* now remove the machines with the client pack installed to get the list yet to do and display */

    SELECT DISTINCT Computername




    SELECT DISTINCT Computername

    FROM #Updates

    WHERE #Updates.Computername = #Installed.Computername


    DROP TABLE #Installed

    DROP TABLE #Updates

    Many thanks in advance!


  • Norman,

    Try this:

    SELECT DISTINCT S.Computername

    FROM dbo.tblSoftware S

    WHERE S.softwareName = 'App1' AND NOT EXISTS

    (SELECT * FROM dbo.tblRegistry R

    WHERE R.Regkey IN('RegKey1', 'Regkey2') AND R.Computername = S.Computername)


  • You can user CTE( instead of temp tables.

    with installed as(SELECT DISTINCT Computername

    FROM dbo.tblSoftware

    WHERE tblSoftware.softwareName = 'App1'),

    updates as(SELECT DISTINCT Computername

    FROM dbo.tblRegistry

    WHERE Regkey = 'Regkey1'

    OR Regkey = 'Regkey2')

    SELECT DISTINCT Computername

    FROM installed



    SELECT DISTINCT Updates.Computername

    FROM Updates

    where Updates.Computername = Installed.Computername


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  • Or this...

    SELECT DISTINCT S.Computername

    FROM dbo.tblSoftware S

    LEFT JOIN dbo.tblRegistry R

    ON (S.Computername = R.Computername AND R.RegKey IN ('Regkey1', 'Regkey2'))

    WHERE (S.SoftwareName = 'App1')

    AND (R.Computername IS NULL)

  • Wow, that was fast! Thanks for the code, I think I can get one of these to work with the limited interface in the report builder.

    And all three seem to give me the same results as my original.

    Have a great weekend!

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