How to map dynamic properties of dts in ssis

  • here goes the activex script in dts. I want to migrate this script to ssis.

    Should i use activex script task of dts or script task. and how can i assign value to a variable dynamically. Please help


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    'Declare the variables for the backslash

    Dim oDTSPackage,oConnection ,sPath

    Const csBackslash = "\"

    sPath= DTSGlobalVariables("gvcFilePath").Value

    MsgBox DTSGlobalVariables("gvcFilePath").Value

    If Right(sPath, 1) <> csBackslash Then

    sPath = sPath & csBackslash

    End If

    ' Set the DTS object.

    Set oDTSPackage = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

    DTSGlobalVariables("gvcFilePath").Value = sPath

    sFileName = DTSGlobalVariables("gvcFileName").Value

    oDTSPackage.Connections("S & P Entity Daily").DataSource = sPath & sFileName

    'The S&P feed files are located in the seperate directory. the directory name is in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

    Dim sDirectoryPrefix

    Dim sDate

    sDirectoryPrefix = "DAILY\GISFEntity_TXT\"

    sDate = mid(DTSGlobalVariables("gvcFileName").Value, 33,10) & "\"

    DTSGlobalVariables("gvcFTPSourcefilename").Value = sFileName &";" & sDirectoryPrefix & sDate & ";;"

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • You need to rewrite this in script task using VB.Net.You cannot migrate this kind of activeXscript to SSIS

  • Thanks! How will I dynamically assign the value of variables.

    I want source path and source file name to be assigned at the run time. that is wat the script does.

  • Public Sub Main()


    Dim gvLogFile As String

    gvLogFile = Dts.Variables("gvLogFile").Value.ToString()

    Dim gvStrVSP As String

    gvStrVSP = Dts.Variables("gvStrVSPDir").Value.ToString() ''"U:\Information Technology\Private and PHI\Datawarehouse\VSP\vsptest" '''

    ' MsgBox("1")

    Dim FILE_NAME As String = gvLogFile

    Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(FILE_NAME, True)

    Dim mon As Integer

    Dim yr As Integer

    Dim dd As Integer

    Dim RunDt As String

    Dim pdd As String

    Dim PdDt As String

    Dim StrFileee As String

    Dim StrFile As String

    If Not File.Exists(gvLogFile) = True Then


    objWriter.WriteLine("New File Created")

    End If

    If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then


    objWriter.WriteLine("Package started at " & DateAndTime.Now)

    objWriter.WriteLine("In lastFile Exists Routine " & DateAndTime.Now)




    objWriter.WriteLine("File Does Not Exist")

    End If

    Dim FolderFile As FileInfo() = Nothing

    Dim objcurrentdir As New DirectoryInfo(gvStrVSP)

    Dim tempFile As FileInfo

    FolderFile = objcurrentdir.GetFiles()

    Dim strFilename As String '= tempFile.ToString()

    strFilename = ""

    For Each tempFile In FolderFile

    strFilename = tempFile.ToString()

    ' MsgBox("strFile to Temp")

    If strFilename.Substring(0, 3) = "VSp" And strFilename.Substring(strFilename.Length - 4, 4) = ".txt" And (strFilename.Length = 15) Then

    ' MsgBox(strFilename)

    StrFileee = Trim(Left(strFilename, strFilename.Length))

    StrFile = gvStrVSP & "\" & StrFileee

    MsgBox("TrimTxtFil+" & StrFile)

    'Dim mon As Integer

    'Dim yr As Integer

    'Dim dd As Integer

    'Dim RunDt As String

    'Dim PdDt As String

    ''''mon = strFilename.Substring(8, 2)

    mon = Convert.ToInt32(strFilename.Substring(7, 2).ToString())

    ' MsgBox(mon)

    yr = Convert.ToInt32(strFilename.Substring(3, 4).ToString())


    dd = Convert.ToInt32(strFilename.Substring(9, 2).ToString())


    RunDt = yr & "-" & mon & "-" & dd


    If (IsDate(RunDt) = False) Then

    objWriter.WriteLine("File has an incorrect date format")

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

    Exit Sub

    End If

    Select Case mon

    Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12

    pdd = "31"

    Exit Select

    Case 4, 6, 9, 11

    pdd = "30"

    Exit Select

    Case 2

    If (yr Mod 4) = 0 Then

    pdd = "29"


    pdd = "28"

    End If

    End Select

    PdDt = yr & "-" & mon & "-" & pdd

    objWriter.WriteLine("RunDt:" & RunDt)

    objWriter.WriteLine(StrFileee & "Detected" & DateAndTime.Now)

    objWriter.WriteLine("Source:" & StrFile)

    objWriter.WriteLine(" File closed " & DateAndTime.Now)


    End If

    ' Dim vars As Variables

    'Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("gvRunDt", vars)

    'vars(0).Value = RunDt


    StrFile = CStr(Dts.Variables("gvFileName").Value)

    StrFile = CStr(Dts.Connections("sample").ConnectionString)

    'Dts.Connections("sample").ConnectionString = CStr(StrFile)

    RunDt = CStr(Dts.Variables("gvRunDt").Value)


    PdDt = CStr(Dts.Variables("gvPdDt").Value)

    'Dts.Variables("gvPdDt").Value = PdDt

    'Dts.Variables("gvFileName").Value = StrFile


    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    Catch ex As Exception

    MsgBox("Error Message: " + ex.Message())

    End Try

    End Sub

    End Class

    Hope this might help you.........It will have al the things go through it carefully..........

  • Thanks Sudheer !

    I am trying the same thing, but i want to create the variable as Global.

    I have created two ScriptTasks (ST1 and ST2) and "Package Level" variable Test and initialized to 1.

    Now, In ST1 i have changed the value of Test = 0 (Dts.Variables("Test").Value=0). When i read the "Test" in ST2 i get the value as 1 only.

    In other words i want to create Test as something like reference variable in C++.

    Can you please help me how can i do that.Thank You.

  • Did you wite that variable in readwritevariable in script task editor..


    The variable which you want to change the value at run time

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