How do i export ntext fields?

  • I have a Products table in SQL Server 2005 with my last column as ntext.

    This field holds HTML text using a lot os special characters, commas, etc.... which is inserted from a webpage using a WYSIWYG editor.

    I want to create a simple export of this Products table data (including the HTML column as ntext) into a simple CSV Flat file output.

    However i cannot work out how to do a data transformation (ie. Data Conversion) on the ntext column successfully.

    Has anyone exported an ntext (containing HTML) successfully using SSIS?

  • What have you tried so far?

    I did a quick test and put a Data Conversion task and converted to Unicode String with a length of 4000 and it worked. Of course you are limited to 4000 characters.

  • I have done a Data Conversion before but without success on ntext due to the fact that we have data greater than 8000bytes which i understand is stored in the LOB.

    Anything less than 8000 or 4000 for that matter i have no concern with extracting the full content of the field, however it is the really big sizes items that i cannot extract with all content in tact.

    Do i perhaps need to do this via a Script task using datastreams?

    Another idea was to convert ntext into nvarchar(max), however i have read that when a field is written with >8000 bytes the content is stored in the LOB again which causes conversion issues based on the data type.

    Still not sure where to lead with this?

    Surely there are clients out there that store massive amounts of text data that occaasionally need to extract to flat files? How do they do it?

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