Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'See Comment' to data type int

  • I am getting the error 'Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'See Comment' to data type int' when I run a query, but only for one practice. I assume that it is some invalid entry, but can't find it. I have looked at the data in the lab_results_obx_.observ_value and did not see anything different than the other practices have. I did not write this query, but I believe that the piece of the query that is producing the error is the following:

    --Creates a derived table named LDL that returns all LDL dates and values


    CASE WHEN lab.practice_id IS NULL THEN flwst.practice_id ELSE lab.practice_id END AS practice_id, CASE WHEN lab.person_id IS NULL

    THEN flwst.person_id ELSE lab.person_id END AS person_id, CASE WHEN lab.practice_id IS NULL THEN CONVERT(smalldatetime,

    flwst.LDLDate) ELSE lab.lab_date END AS LDLDate, CASE WHEN lab.practice_id IS NULL

    THEN flwst.cholldl ELSE lab.observ_value END AS LDLValue


    -- Creates derived table named lab that pulls on LDL labs from the lab tables

    (SELECT lab_nor.practice_id, lab_nor.person_id, CONVERT(char(08), patient_encounter.billable_timestamp, 112) AS lab_date,

    lab_results_obx_.observ_value, lab_results_obx_.create_timestamp

    FROM lab_results_obx AS lab_results_obx_ INNER JOIN

    lab_results_obr_p ON lab_results_obx_.unique_obr_num = lab_results_obr_p.unique_obr_num INNER JOIN

    lab_nor ON lab_results_obr_p.ngn_order_num = lab_nor.order_num INNER JOIN

    patient_encounter ON lab_nor.enc_id = patient_encounter.enc_id

    WHERE (lab_results_obx_.result_desc IN ('LDL', 'LDL CHOLESTEROL', 'LDL Cholesterol Calc', 'TOTAL LDL-CHOLESTEROL DIR')) AND (lab_results_obx_.observ_value IS NOT NULL AND

    lab_results_obx_.observ_value NOT IN ('See Comments', 'Comment', 'TNP', 'Please refer to reflex test Comment', 'DUP')) AND (lab_results_obx_.observ_value <> '""') AND

    (lab_results_obx_.observ_value <> '///') AND (lab_nor.practice_id = '0005')) AS lab FULL OUTER JOIN

    -- Creates a derived table named flwsheet that pulls LDL lab values from the Diabetes flowsheet

    (SELECT practice_id, person_id, lipidPanelDate AS LDLDate, lipidPanelStatus, cholLDL, create_timestamp

    FROM Diabetes_Flwsheet_IPN_ AS Diabetes_Flwsheet_IPN__

    WHERE (practice_id = '0005') AND (lipidPanelDate <> '') AND (cholLDL IS NOT NULL) AND

    (lipidPanelDate IS NOT NULL)) AS flwst ON lab.practice_id = flwst.practice_id AND lab.person_id = flwst.person_id AND

    lab.lab_date = flwst.ldldate) AS LDL) AS LDL1

    WHERE Row = 1) AS LastLDL

    ON status.practice_id = LastLDL.practice_id AND status.person_id = LastLDL.person_id

    any help you can offer. thanks


  • I would try sorting on that column desc to see what you find in there. Look either at the first or the last record to see if you have some funny data. Unfortunately the engine doesn't lie and something must be amiss in the conversion, i.e. data it can't handle. You will have to find that first.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Thanks for your help. I found that there was another text phrase that I needed to explicitly exclude. I can see this happening again if a lab changes the wording when they send back a result. Is there a way to return only the numeric results and nothing else? This is the WHERE clause:

    WHERE (lab_results_obx_.result_desc IN ('LDL', 'LDL CHOLESTEROL', 'LDL Cholesterol Calc', 'TOTAL LDL-CHOLESTEROL DIR')) AND (lab_results_obx_.observ_value IS NOT NULL AND

    lab_results_obx_.observ_value NOT IN ('See Comments', 'Comment', 'TNP', 'Please refer to reflex test Comment', 'DUP')) AND (lab_results_obx_.observ_value <> '""') AND

    (lab_results_obx_.observ_value <> '///') AND (lab_nor.practice_id = '0005')



  • Michele - Check out the isnumeric function and you should be able to use that to solve your problem.

    Glad you were able to find it. I had to deal with feeds from labs and Docs for quite a while and am pretty familiar with the lovely data integrity issues that come along with it. 🙂

    Have fun!



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • thanks again. I was able to write it with the isnumeric function and got the same result set. It took 3.5 minutes longer to run, but I think it will be better code in the long run.


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