Translog filling fast - attack on SQL?

  • Over the past month we have had a few occasions where the transaction log has filled very fast and run out of space in between the transaction log backups (runs every 30 minutes). When the translog runs of space it takes the replication log reader out because it can't execute sp_replcmds.

    This is very unusual spikes of activity which makes me wonder if the db is under attack (as it is the back-end to two of our B2C websites). I've looked at the volume of data being backed up during each 30 minute translog backup and the usual average is about 30mb of data per backup but then I'll get a spike up to over 3Gb. Interestingly when I look at the volume of replicated transactions (which also runs every 30 minutes) they don't mirror these huge spike's in activity and all tables in this db being replicated.

    I need to identify where this unusual activity is coming from. I don't want to run Profiler 24x7 because this db is already max'd out and these spikes only occur occasionally. What's the best way to track this down? Is there a way of examining the transaction log contents?

  • You could run a server-side trace, using the sp_trace* procs. It's very light weight, much lighter than the profiler front end. You can get profiler to script out the trace creation to make it easier.

    Could it be index rebuilds filling the log?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Redgate provide a free tool that i beleive you can use to read the log...but i think that may only be available on SQL Server 2000 there are others out there though.


  • You can read the tran log manually, but it's very hard to understand.

    SELECT * from fn_dblog(null, null)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Red Gate's Log Rescue is SS2K only. ApexSQL and Lumigent have 2005 tools.

    Could it be reindexing? Those are moved across and could cause the logs to grow.

  • This may or may not be related to the translog filling but we have found through our investigation some SQL injection attacks attempts on the db.

    The injection attack is using syscolumns and sysobjects in the user database to gain information about the table names and fields, is then building a cursor and appending some script information to the fields. I have the developers looking for any un-closed injection holes in the website code but in the meantime I'm concerned as to how the "dumb" account (which only has very contained select, update and delete permissions it needs to operate the website) was able to get this sensitive information.

    What I can see is the Public role has Select permissions on the user db system tables and the account we use for the website (let's call it SiteUser) is also a member of the Public role. I can't remove the Public role from SiteUser account. I can remove the Public role having SELECT permissions on the system tables within the user db. Question is, is it safe to remove the SELECT permissions for the Public Role on these system tables? Will it cause any other problems with SQL server operations (backups, replication etc.) if I remove the SELECT permission for the Public role on syscolumns, sysobjects and sysdatabases?

  • The same stuff happened to us as well, though I was able to close the SQL Injection but I think hacker is still trying to execute SQL Injection via some looping script which is affecting my database and took it to 100% cpu usage most of the time. I've got seperate post in this regard but any know how on how to trace this activity would be highly appreciated.

  • You need to look at your websites log files and search for keywords like DECLARE or CAST or <script

    You may find an entry that has an html script tag with source pointing to a url with a .js at the end

    This means that your data has been updated with this .js script website.

    If you search on DECLARE or CAST you may find this common sql injection attack:






























    The long value in the cast is what is executed. This long value is converted to a sql script that uses a cursor to loop through sysobjects and syscolumns in your database:

    DECLARE @T varchar(255),@C varchar(255)



    from sysobjects a,syscolumns b

    where and a.xtype='u' and (b.xtype=99 or b.xtype=35 or b.xtype=231 or b.xtype=167)

    OPEN Table_Cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Cursor INTO @T,@C WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS=0) BEGIN exec('update ['+@T+'] set ['+@C+']=rtrim(convert(varchar(4000),['+@C+']))+''<script

    src=> ''')

    FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Cursor INTO @T,@C END CLOSE Table_Cursor DEALLOCATE Table_Cursor

    This is only possible if your webuser has db_reader permission on the database and you have not denied Select against these tables to your web user. It then looks for certain types of long text columns in each of the tables in your database. It then updates all the rows, inserting the .js website script tag.

    This is all done by simply pasting the long declare/cast statement to the end of the url of the page that is expecting a querystring value to query the database to build the dynamic html.

    Ways to secure your webpages from this particular attack:

    Deny select against sysobjects and syscolumns tables(sql2000)/views(sql2005) to the web user account that connects the website to the database

    Test the input parameter your url is sending to build your webpage. Make sure it is submitting a value you are expecting.

    Use stored procedures and do not grant the web user db_reader, db_writer, and definitely not db_owner permissions.

  • This is exactly the type of attack being attempted. We can't see any confirmation of it having been successful in the database though. My developers have been checking through all our COMs and C# classes on the websites to ensure any injection attempt is rejected.

    The account we use to access the database from the website is locked down solid, it's not that account that has the issue. The issue is these system tables that allow the injection attack to get information about the table and column names has SELECT permission for the Public Role. All accounts are also members of the Public role therefore the locked down account we are using can be used to gain access to the information in these tables. My question was is it safe to remove the SELECT permission for the Public role as I can't remove the Public role from my locked down webuser account (which seems utterly ridiculous).

    I've been reading some whitepapers published by SANS on this subject and these aren't the only two tables that can expose data structure to the outside world via the Public role. There are SPs and other tables that can be used, just this seems a popular attack. It looks like a total minefield so we are concentrating our efforts on locking down all our code to prevent any injection attack using only parameterised SPs in our VB and C# code.

    I'm still having issues however with my trans log filling rapidly on occasion and would like to enlist the services of a professional SQL guru who can help me identify the source of this problem. Any of you "SSCommitted" levels out there available for some consultancy in the London, UK area?


  • In SQL 2005, only objects that a user has rights on can be seen from the system views. So, if your web site user has no access to the base tables, but does all data access through stored procs (recommended) then the injection attempt firstly wouldn't be able to run at all (because properly parametrised queries don't allow that kind of query concatenation) and even if did, would not be able to see any of the base tables.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • This is a SQL 2000 not 2005 server.

  • julia.nicholas (5/21/2008)

    I'm still having issues however with my trans log filling rapidly on occasion and would like to enlist the services of a professional SQL guru who can help me identify the source of this problem. Any of you "SSCommitted" levels out there available for some consultancy in the London, UK area?


    I would LOVE to take a trip to London to help out, but I don't think you need a SQL Guru to investigate/deal with this. You need an ASP.NET Rock Star - the sql calls are coming from a website. Perhaps a networking guru who can filter/capture questionable activity could be of use as well. There are security specialist consultants and companies that could provide you a full range of appropriate services.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Mr Guru, I would have to disagree. Our website code-base is vast, spans two technologies and some of it dates back 8 years (hence not-so-well-written). If I can get someone who can interpret the contents of the large translogs and give me some clue as to where the issue stems from I can find a starting point for the code investigation, assuming that is where the issue lies and not with some other SQL 2000 issue. At the moment it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack starting from the code-base.

    I can see from our application logging and SQL profiler captures there are regular attempts at injection taking place but they are not successful.

    I can offer remote access to the server to a suitable Guru subject to the necessary NDA and work contract sign-off. Interested?


  • I'd love to do the forensics - sounds like interesting stuff. However, I am completely backed up for the forseeable future. Sorry!

    If you are lucky and have a middle tier that controls (some) database activity, you should modify this code to do data scrubbing.

    Patrick mentioned a mechanism to scan the webserver logs to check for key words.

    Maybe get ApexSQL Log (tell them TheSQLGuru sent you for a discount and to give my daughter's college fund a few coins) and see if it can extract out all database activity from the log files to text files and then search those.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • I'd like to give this ApexSQL Log a try but I'm not sure how now we are after the event.

    What I have left to analyse is a BAK file that has a full db backup plus all the translog backups for 24 hours including the ones were it goes ballastic in size. What would I need to do with this to get this ApexSQL analyser to run over it as it looks like the product will only work on a live transaction log? Is there a method of recovering this backup in a test environment that would allow analysis of the large log backups?


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