Importing files with different extensions

  • Hi i've 6 files with the same name part but all have a different ext. The 17 always changes to the current week number




    Some help would be great to get this working

  • You can use for each loop for this. You can put a filter such as xbuns.??? . Use this in the File text box in the collection tab of the for each loop container.

  • Hey i need to be able to know which extension as not all of the files go into the same table.

    i've the 6 files and they are named like this







    The 18 part of the file keeps changing to the current week number so next week it will be example xbouns.A19

    I tried to write an expression to see if i could figure out the week number but it won't work

  • You could use a batch file to set standard naming prior to the actual call to SSIS:


    rename xbouns.A%1

    rename xbouns.B%1 xbouns.baz

    rename xbouns.C%1 xbouns.yah


    dtexec /f "C:\SSIS_Projects\loadfiles.dtsx

    c:\>import 18

    It's not terribly elegant, but it will accomplish what you need to do.

  • You can use for each loop for this. You can put a filter such as xbuns.??? . Use this in the File text box in the collection tab of the for each loop container.

    I think u can go with pritesh keep a filter xbuns.??? and import in using for each loop conainer and if u want to know from which file the rows are just add sourcefile column to your table by which u can know from whichfile the row has been imported i have already tried that .....need anymore details let me know...


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