DTS and job in SQL 2005

  • hello

    For Transfering data from one database to another database automatically

    i use (DBS) and a job ,

    but there is a problem:

    the problem is : in every transfer all of the records in the source table

    transfer to the destination table not only the new records

    and this is obviously that i want only the new records....


  • please don't TRIPLE post, choose one and delete the other two.

    make that quadruple


  • george sibbald (10/26/2008)

    please don't TRIPLE post, choose one and delete the other two.

    make that quadruple

    I think you meant QUINTUPLE :w00t:

    We're going to run out of "tuples" soon.

  • Hi

    Between your source and destination use Transform Data task, instead of selecting source from table/View use from query.

    write query to find out only new data from your source. If you are using flag or datetime column write query like

    SELECT a,b,c

    FROM table

    WHERE c = 'N'


    SELECT a,b,c

    FROM table

    WHERE c > getdate()-1



  • So I have same problem, because, same datas will come in to the server later

    for example :

    I download date from One server To other server every 6 am,

    then I create select like this:

    select * from table where event_date between Now()-1 and now()

    and this query I scheduled on 6 am..

    But some datas comes to server later but with correct date

    example datas comes at 7 am but in the event_date is 5 am.

  • Transactional replication might be a better solution to keep tables in 2 databases in sync.

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