Recurring Jobs Not Recurring

  • SQL Server 2005. I have two recurring SQL Agent jobs on one of my servers. They are the only two jobs on the server, at present. One of them is scheduled to recur once a day at midnight, and the other is scheduled to recur once every 15 minutes. Neither job is recurring. The schedules are correct and enabled. The jobs are enabled. SQL Agent is running.

    Does anyone have any ideas?


  • Have you checked the SQL Server Agent Error Log?

  • I have had this problem before and a simple restart of the agent service has solved it. Usually though when this happens the next scheduled date will still be in the past. It just seems to stop itself sometimes!

  • peter -

    There was nothing in the SQL Error logs, because the jobs were not errorring out.

  • Animal Magic -

    SQL Agent appeared to be running in my SQL Management Studio, but I could not stop it. When I checked the server box, itself, I discovered that the SQL Agent Logon was failing because the SQL Agent logon password no longer matched the administrator user password. This box is sometimes loaned out to groups in our company who need a box for staging purposes, and apparently, somewhere along the line, the administrator user password was changed on the box, without being changed on SQL Agent. Anyway, when I got the passwords straightened out things started to run, again. Thanks for putting me on the right track.

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