Problem DB Mirroring

  • Hi to all,

    i'm a junior dba and i have a problem with implementing a database mirroring.

    In a unique server with o.s. Windows 2003 R2 and out of domain, i have installed 3 instances of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition SP2, called "Principal" (port 5022), "Mirror" (port 5023) e "Witness" (port 5024).


    - instances uses the same service account and, by SQL Server Management Studio, i enter with "Windows Authentication" and "SQL Server Authentication" (with user "sa").

    - firewall is disabled

    - for all 3 instances TCP/IP and Named Pipes are enabled

    In attach you can find all steps that i execute, with error at step number 12.

    Could you help me, please?

    Many thanks to all and have a good day.


  • Try using full-qualified Tcp address.

    instead of




  • Hi steveb,

    my server is not in a domain...

  • Okay, check the error log of the failed sever and this should give you more of a clue on what is going on

  • Event viewer shows me this message:


    Database mirroring has benn terminated for database "MyDB".

    This is an informational message only. No user action is required


    Nothing other...

  • can you use this to solve the problem ?

    and / or

    did you read my adventures with SSB ?


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  • Now i try and read your adventure 😉


  • Nothing, i don't resolve it, same message error:

    "Network address TCP://MYSERVER:5023 cannot be reached"


  • You could try using the IP address, ALTER DATABASE MyDB SET PARTNER = N'TCP://';

  • - are you able to telnet Mirror 5023 ?

    - logon to the server using the service account, and then try to telnet the port.

    - logon to the server using the service account, and then try to connect to the instance using TCPIP !


    Learn to play, play to learn !

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    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

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  • Nothing, it doesn't function.

    But Mirror "speak" with Principal, but Principal doesn't speak with Mirror.

  • Yes, telnet functions with port 5022, 5023, 5024, it's strange...

    Now i try other your ideas, thanks;)

  • ALZDBA (10/10/2008)

    - are you able to telnet Mirror 5023 ?

    - logon to the server using the service account, and then try to telnet the port.

    - logon to the server using the service account, and then try to connect to the instance using TCPIP !

    All tests are correct, but problem remains...:doze:

  • Firstly, check your ip connectivity between the servers. If you have connectivity issues you may need to update the hosts file with the ip addresses of the other servers.

    Secondly, all endpoints in the mirroring topology should talk on the same port numbers. Re-create your endpoints using the same port and then the servers should be able to talk to each other.

    Don't worry about using the IP address, contrary to everything the documentation and assorted blogs tell you, the only difference is that you can't start mirroring via the GUI. Using ordinary T-SQL commands works without any problems at all.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • philcart (10/14/2008)

    Firstly, check your ip connectivity between the servers. If you have connectivity issues you may need to update the hosts file with the ip addresses of the other servers.

    Secondly, all endpoints in the mirroring topology should talk on the same port numbers. Re-create your endpoints using the same port and then the servers should be able to talk to each other.

    Don't worry about using the IP address, contrary to everything the documentation and assorted blogs tell you, the only difference is that you can't start mirroring via the GUI. Using ordinary T-SQL commands works without any problems at all.

    Hi philcart,

    i have only one server, in this server i have 3 istances, so it's mandatory has 3 different ports, and when i create enpoints i must write 3 distinct ports specified in Configuration Manager.

    When i set role with Principal (from Mirror), it's ok, but when set roles with Mirror and Witness (from Principal), i receive this error:

    Network address TCP://MYSERVER:5023 cannot be reached

    Now i want try to associate "network_service" to administrator group.

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