Creating A Linked Server To Dbase 5.0 Database

  • I have an application that uses SQL Server 2005 stored procedures as part of the business logic. I'd like to know if it is possible (and what I would require in terms of drivers, etc) to create a linked server to a Dbase 5.0 database and query it from the stored procedure. I cannot import the data to SQL Server because another application uses the Dbase database and we have to have the data in real-time for both applications.

    Thanks in advance

  • While openrowset may give you some data access, there may be other limitations that will cause problems. Most ODBC drivers for older database formats such as dBase or FoxPro don't provide much in the way of relational capacity, and something as simple as COUNT(*) might not be supported. I ran into that using WinSQL on a Visual FoxPro Database. Thus I'm not sure if openrowset is going to bridge the gap. Be sure to test thoroughly before committing to the method.

    I'm also wondering why there would be all that much of an effort to replace the old application - it's not as if dBase was really all that powerful when compared to SQL Server, so it seems unlikely that application would be all that difficult to replace. At worst, an MS Access front-end to an SQL database might be the fastest way to go,

    and then perhaps convert the Access piece to a web-based app later on.


    (aka smunson)


  • Hi,

    I have created a linked-server point to dBASE and access dbf table successfully. What I did are steps below.

    1. Download and install VFPOLEDB @

    2. Create a linked-server

    Assuming the source of the DBFs is on remote server @ \\server\DBF_Folder

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver






    select * from DBF...tablename




    --Sorry for my bad English--

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