SS 2005 Developer Edition Cost

  • I need to obtain a copy of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition for my desktop. (I understand that the Developer Edition conatins all features of the Enterprise edition)

    Does anyone know the cost of this? (fyi, we do not have msdn licenses accessible to me at this time)

    Google returns a link that specifies a wide range of prices ($30 - $2500)

    I really need the Developer Edition to accomodate Partitioning def's referneced in ProjectREAL tables & SSIS components. (vs. the Standard Edition which choked on my table Partitioning defintiions)

    FYI, I work for a large enterprise though they are new to SS 2005 and want to justify the purchase of Developer edition for my desktop. (grumblings...)

  • Cost: $50.00 (USD)

    Well worth the investment!

    Edit: I bought it when SQL Server 2005 first came out. Comes with the x86, x64, and Itanium versions.


  • if you are a student or have a student son/daughter, nephew/niece that is on technology field, take a look at this:

    SQL Server Database Administrator

  • This is a great link...i got one sql server 2005 dev. edision for myself...


  • You can also get Visual Studio 2008 Prof Ed, Windows Server 2003, etc if you are eligible...

    SQL Server Database Administrator

  • Interesting, that DreamSpark site. Do take note of the fact that they DON'T say what happens after you stop being a student. They DO say that you can only use the software while a valid member of DreamSpark, but do you seriously want to just give up your server AND your dev environment when you graduate? Seems a tad too temporary for any practical purposes. Given that the dev edition of SQL server is only $50, I'll gladly pay for my copy. It's probably cheaper than many college text books. A supposedly free copy of a server product that's only good while you're a student may help you learn, but having to give it up at graduation is far too high a price if you ask me. Reminds me of the marketing of cigarettes...


    (aka smunson)


  • You can only use the License once. Those are NOT trial versions.

    SQL Server Database Administrator

  • Which software are you referring to when you say "You can only use the License once" ? The software from the DreamSpark site, or a paid for Developer Edition? Last I knew, one license means one copy, regardless of which of these pieces of software you own, or from which source you obtain it. Have I missed something?


    (aka smunson)


    MarlonRibunal (8/8/2008)

    You can only use the License once. Those are NOT trial versions.

  • the cost is onl

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