Database Mail

  • Hi Guys

    Have a question on Database mail. I know how to set it up but where to from there. How do I go about seng an email to someone with a document attached and have the process automated?



  • Did you read about sp_send_dbmail in BOL?

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • In SQL server:

    Under management - Database mail- You need to setup a new e-mail profile and corresponding smtp account

    You can use the stored procedure to test if its working:


    for more info check BOL.

    Application Architect and Developer @ Traffic4u
    Visit my profile on LinkedIN

  • Since database mail saves messages and attachments in MSDB you'll also want to look at scheduling these two stored procedures as part of routine maintenance.

    [font="Courier New"]msdb.dbo.sysmail_delete_mailitems_sp


    Look for the following topic in BOL for an example of how to do that:

    How to: Create a SQL Server Agent Job to Archive Database Mail Messages and Event Logs

  • setup the SMTP profile in your DB mail system,then have a test.

    [font="Arial"]MCDBA, MCITP (DB Dev, DB Admin), MCSE,MCTS, OCA 10g[/font]

  • Do People ever refer to BOL First.

  • [font="Verdana"]Hi,

    Refer the article "Database Mail", I hope this could help you![/font]

  • Thanks. I have created the stored proc that sends the mail.

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