need help in my query

  • Hello everyone, i m using SQLServer2000 here is the table.

    Table fields:

    WantedItemID int (PK)

    MemberID int (FK)

    LotID (FK)

    TotalListingCost numeric

    Quantity numeric

    OfferPrice numeric

    OfferPriceUnit int

    in my webpage, i allowed the users to update the Quantity and OfferPrice, so whenever quantity or offerPrice is updated, i want to

    check if the OfferPriceUnit is 1 then multiply Quantity with OfferPrice for all rows in tha table but where MermebID,LotID and OfferPrice is not null and make sum in the variable after finishing mean deal with all rows in the table, i want to update my table and set the TotalListingCost with tha valuse of that variable and if the OfferPriceUnit is 2 the simply add the offerprices for all rows (where MemberID=@MemberID,LotID=@LotID and Offerprice is not null)and at the end of all rows

    update the TotalListingCost in the table, i will try to make this check it out my query as i dont know in the loop how to deal as it multiply price with quantiti if type=1 in thoese rows where MemberID=@MemberID,LotID=@LotID and Offerprice is not null .

    Query is:

    Create StoredProcedure test

    @MemberID int,

    @LotID int


    declare @rowNo int

    declare @i int

    select @rowNo=count(*) from Offers

    set @i=1

    while ( @i <= @rowNo)

    begin --loop begin

    declare myvar numeric(13)



    set myvar+= Quantity*OfferPrice




    myvar+= OfferPrice


    End --loop end

    Update OffersWantedItem

    set TotalListingCost=myvar

    where MemberID= @MemberID AND LotID = @LotID and OfferPrice !=null


    plz reply me.

    Thanx in Advance.

  • isa (10/30/2007)


    declare @rowNo int

    declare @i int

    select @rowNo=count(*) from Offers

    set @i=1

    while ( @i <= @rowNo)

    begin --loop begin

    declare myvar numeric(13)



    set myvar+= Quantity*OfferPrice




    myvar+= OfferPrice


    End --loop end

    -- To calculate myvar:

    SELECT SUM(CASE OfferPriceUnit

    WHEN 1 THEN Quantity * OfferPrice

    ELSE OfferPrice


    FROM Offers

    WHERE the condition about the user, ...

    Databases and SQL are working with ordered/unordered sets/bags. In the above case there is no need to use a loop. If you would like to take advantage of the power of your database management system it may help if you read a book on basic database queries.

    Update OffersWantedItem

    set TotalListingCost=myvar

    where MemberID= @MemberID AND LotID = @LotID and OfferPrice !=null


    Also, do not use "OfferPrice !=null" (If ANSI NULLS are set, then this does not return either true or false, you get UNKNOWN instead! Have a look at

    Use "OfferPrice IS NOT NULL" instead.



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • Thankyou so much for replying , thanx

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