Stuck with select

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to find if i can do the following:

    Table structure

    table 1:

    id int

    table 2:

    id int

    lineitem int

    price money

    select * from

    from table 1 t1 inner join table 2 t2

    on =

    where t2.lineitem = 1

    here is where i am stuck:

    In addition to the t2.lineitem = 1 i need to get

    sum for all matched id's where line item > 1

    It is possible to accomplish this without selecting from the table t2 2 times?

  • You need to describe your problem a little better, .e.g. show us what your data looks like. Have you actually tried your query on a SQL Server database? As it stands, it will fail because table 1 needs to be written as


    The other thing that worries me is that single table containing a single numeric column. As it stands, I always keep a table like that around that goes from 1 to whatever. But your problem does not seem to warrant the use of such a table. So what does your single column table represent?

  • This seems like an Orders / OrdersDetails schema.

    Based on that assumption you need to do something like this :


    SELECT O.ID, ISNULL(Dtd.SPrice, 0) AS SPrice FROM dbo.Orders O LEFT OUTER JOIN (

    SELECT Id, SUM(Price) AS SPrice FROM dbo.Details GROUP BY id WHERE LineNumber > 1) dtD

    ON M.ID = ORDER BY Whatever

  • I hope this will solve you problem.






    TABLE1 AS T1


    TABLE2 AS T2


    T1.ID = T2.ID


    T2.LineItem > 1


    BY T1.ID

    Please clarify If  I'm wrong.



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