Datareader Sources Only outputting Unicode Columns?

  • Hi,

    I am constructing an SSIS package that queries data from a SQL Server 2005 table to populate a SQL Server 2000 table. Both the source and target tables are all non-unicode varchars.

    I have defined a datareader for the source of the 2005 Query, but despite the fact that the source columns are all non-unicode varchar, the output columns insist on defaulting to unicode string DT_WSTR. It will not allow me to change this to String D_STR as i receive the message Property value is not valid.

    The obvious upshot is that I receiev the following Errors regarding uni-code conversion.

    Error11Validation error. Data Flow Task: OLE DB Destination [2120]: Column "email" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data

    Am I missing something why does the datareader insist on making output columns unicode?

  • Does "'cause they couldn't be bothered to do t any other way" work for you?:w00t:

    It's a by design feature. You'll have to do conversions on it to get it back to a string...

    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • Try using an OLE DB Source instead. Sometimes my Derived Column transformations would still default to Unicode, but those were easy to change back.

  • hi

    you can use DataConversion Task to convert unicode to DT_STR

  • Thanks guys, I've gone down the OLE DB route as the alternative, just wanted to make sure I wasn't going mad:)

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