SQL Server Reporting Service

  • hi ALL

    i have a serious Problem i have got Reporting Service installed on one mechine and Application in another Mechine. the application developed in 2003 and SQL Server 2000 and the Reporting Service 2000. in appication Servicer .net 2005 is installed and also frame work 1.1  and the server is windows 2003

    My Reports are working but  i have got charts in my reports

    the Chart image is not working  i checked all the configurations but there is not clue yet...

    i searched in google but didnt get anything i checked the log files and it stated that it has got some rendering problem....

    w3wp!library!a78!01/10/2007-20:40:09:: i INFO: Initializing EnableExecutionLogging to 'True'  as specified in Server system properties.

    w3wp!webserver!a78!01/10/2007-20:40:09:: i INFO: Processed report. Report='/CandidReports/canditates', Stream=''

    w3wp!library!114c!01/10/2007-20:40:09:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.StreamNotFoundException: The stream cannot be found. The stream identifier that is provided to an operation cannot be located in the report server database., ;

     Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.StreamNotFoundException: The stream cannot be found. The stream identifier that is provided to an operation cannot be located in the report server database.

    w3wp!webserver!114c!01/10/2007-20:40:14:: e ERROR: Reporting Services error Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.StreamNotFoundException: The stream cannot be found. The stream identifier that is provided to an operation cannot be located in the report server database.


    reports are working but i am not getting any chart image .....

    plz help me ... to solve this plz............







  • Take a look at this:




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