Passing a parameter for usin in a "Where xxx In " clause

  • Hi

    I want to be able to pass a parameter into a stored procedure which takes the form ('ABC', 'DEF', 'GHI') so that I can use the following and get a sensible answer out of it:

    Select * from table1 where field1 in @param1

    Where @param1 contains the string in brackets above. I must be slightly brain-dead but no matter what I try I either get an error or nothing.

    Can anyone help please ?



  • you can use dynamix sql

    declare @sql varchar(8000)

    set @sql = 'Select * from table1 where field1 in (' + @param1 + ')'

    exec (@sql)


    when you pass your parameter string you will need to escape your single quotes in the list.

  • Thanks mrpolecat I'll give it a go. I think I'll run into other problems, because I want to use the select statement as part of a cursor (I've heard I shouldn't be using these, but they're very handy :-))

  • If you run into an issue post the rest of your code.  I believe that, like all things, cursors in moderation are ok.

  • also search for the Split() function in the scripts...there are several, and some return a table with multiple columns (ELEMENT,ELEMENTID), some just return a single column, etc. the split a string on a specified delimiter, like a comma.

    you can pass the values to the split function and do something like this:

    elect * from table1 where field1 in (select ELEMENT from dbo.Split(@param1,,',') )


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