• Hi,

       i need help on this.

    i have a table A in SQL SERVER DATABASE  in which i want to do an update and insert from a  #temp table which i created and has data in it.

    table A has the following two columns

    MS_ID, Amount where MS_ID IS THE PRIMARY KEY

    what i want is to do is check if the record already exists in table A,if exists update it ,if does not exist do the insert.

  • You have to do an "UPSERT".

    First an UPDATE

    UPDATE t1

    SET t1.ColX = t2.Col1

    FROM Table1 AS t1

    INNER JOIN Table2 AS t2 ON t2.ColBlue = t1.ColWarm

    Then an INSERT

    INSERT Table1 (ColA, ColB, ColC)

    SELECT t2.Col1, t2.Col2, t2.Col3

    FROM Table2 AS t2

    LEFT JOIN Table1 AS t1 ON t1.ColWarm = t2.ColBlue

    WHERE t1.ColWarm IS NULL


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    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Or if you don't need the data for other purposes, use Peter's idea, but update, then delete from temp where matching the table, then insert everything else.

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