maintenance plan job hanging

  • hi folks

    I've created 7 maintenance plans and 6 of them work fine. All created on the same day on the same box. SQL7 nt platform. when I manually start or schedule the backup for the database or the translog the job starts and hangs. anyone with some ideas. peter J

  • Have you asked the job to notify you on success.

    I had a situation where I got SQLMail to email me on successful completion. Something went pear shaped on the Exchange box and the SQL Box ran all the commands but jammed up trying to notify me that it had worked.

    Of course I didn't find out until I came back off holiday and people started asking why a nightly job hadn't run for 2 weeks.

    If the job hangs when it is running subsequent nightly runs will wait until the job finishes.

  • Check your ERRORLOG for details to see if you find anything in there.  Sounds to me like like its waiting for another DB backup to complete for the same database.  Check to make sure there is not another backup running at that time for the same db.

  • thanks for the info. However I have done all of the above.

    There is nothing in the logs, I have comfirmed no other backups are running, and i get the feeling the job gets initiated and sits.

    I created another maintenance plan and had the backup destin for the same disk drive in a backup folder. Again Nothing and after 2 hrs I stopped the job.

    If I used the database backup procedure from the property tab for the database I can run a successful backup but I don't like that method. 

  • start the job and query the sysprocesses table and see whether it has been blocked by another process and also can you post the output file details for the job...that should tell u where it hangs..


    Krishnan Kaniappan


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