exec master..xp_cmdshell @var <- I cant make it work!

  • Hi Guys,

    If I declare a variable and assign it some string like: 'ping' then execute master..xp_cmdshell with the variable, it works fine.

    If I follow it with an update command I get a error that reads: Invalid syntax near '='

    Im using a stored proceedure with the following logic:


    1   declare @var as nvarcar(255)

    2   select @var = 'some dos command'

    3   exec master..xp_cmdshell @var

    4   update mytable

    5   set myfield = 'Yes'

    6   where myfield is NULL


    the error for this would be:

    Invalid syntax near '=' on line 4


    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as I'm working on a tight schedule and this has me completely stuck.




  • In your example there's a typo - declare @var as nvarchar(255) - (missing h)

    However, if it's not that (probably not), I think that we may need to see the actual code instead of an example.

    I can't reproduce it, this works just fine (on SQL 2000 and XP)

    create table mytable ( id int not null, myfield varchar(10) null )

    insert mytable (id) select 1


       declare @var as nvarchar(255)

       select @var = 'ping'

       exec master..xp_cmdshell @var

       update mytable

       set myfield = 'Yes'

       where myfield is NULL


    select * from mytable

    id          myfield   

    ----------- ----------

    1           Yes


  • I've just run your code and it works perfectly...


    Heres my (slghtly abridged) code:


      DECLARE @copycommand AS nvarchar(255)

      DECLARE @transdate AS DATETIME

      DECLARE @transdate2 AS CHAR(8)

      DECLARE @dtschecker AS int

     SELECT @transdate = (SELECT date_of_entry FROM date_to_run WHERE extract_name = 'Pay Insurer')

     SELECT @transdate2 = convert(char(8),@transdate,112)

     exec @dtschecker = master..xp_cmdshell 'DTSRun /~very long dts code'

     IF @dtschecker = 0



      -- copy new csv file to correct location

      SELECT @copycommand = 'copy "\\myserver\workarea\payinsurer.csv" "\\myserver\livefolder\payinsurer' + @transdate2 + '.csv"'

      exec master..xp_cmdshell @copycommand, no_output

      -- report a successful extract

      UPDATE date_to_run

      SET run_notes = 'Successfully created extract file' , has_run = 'Y'

      WHERE extract_name = 'Pay Insurer'


  • WTH??

    I just copied the code into notepad, canceled the stored proc window, reopenned it and pasted the code back from notepad and it worked??

    oh well.

    Thanks for looking.


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