Help with Logic

  • Doing a SQL word search that takes in @SearchTerms as a varchar.

    The WHILE loop works great with up to 37 words in @Searchterms but falls over when a 38th word is added.

    I do have a workaround (not allow so many words in search)

    But would like to know just what is going wrong here.

    Thanks in Advance

    ------------------- Now the words can be counted -------------------------------

    set @wordcount = dbo.wordcount(@SearchTerms) -- a dependency -- code should be substituted

    select @wordcount as wordcount


    set @MySQL2 ='Some text here '

    while @wordcount > 0


    if @wordcount > 1


    set @SpaceAt=charindex(' ', @Searchterms)

    set @TheWord = (SELECT LEFT(@SearchTerms,@SpaceAt-1))-- this falls over at the 38th word


    else set @theword = @Searchterms -- only one word left

    -- select( @theword + char(14))as theword,@wordcount as wordcount -- un rem for debugging

    set @MySQL2 = @MySQL2 + @TheWord + ' '

    -- more word(s) add the ANDorOR and get rid of the first word

    if @wordcount > 1


    set @MySQL2 = @MySQL2+ @ANDorOR

    set @searchterms= replace(@searchterms, SUBSTRING(@Searchterms,1,@Spaceat),'')

    set @searchterms= ltrim(@searchterms)


    set @wordcount=@wordcount -1


    select @mysql2 as TextSearch -- remove this line

  • What is the error message you are getting?


  • Can you post the function definition for your dbo.wordcount function?  Also, post an example of a function call that does not produce the results you are expecting. 

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanks guys - I have prepared a stripped down version of the original sql that uses the pubs database to test with - it works when the @SearchTerms is as follows

    set @SearchTerms = 'aaa b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11' --37 words in this string

    However it falls over when you add one more word as follows

    set @SearchTerms = 'aaa b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' --38 words in this string

    Producing the following error message:

    Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 27

    Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.

    I cant understand why it works up to 37 words and fails on the 38th or more. Here is the code for the UDF wordcount which works well followed by the main code which will run in QA(using pubs)


    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[WordCount] ( @InputString VARCHAR(4000) )




    DECLARE @Index INT

    DECLARE @Char CHAR(1)

    DECLARE @PrevChar CHAR(1)

    DECLARE @WordCount INT

    SET @Index = 1

    SET @WordCount = 0

    WHILE @Index 0


    if @wordcount > 1


    set @SpaceAt=charindex(' ', @Searchterms)

    set @TheWord = (SELECT LEFT(@SearchTerms,@SpaceAt-1))


    else set @theword = @Searchterms -- only one word left

    --select( @theword + char(14))as theword,@wordcount as wordcount -- un rem for debugging

    set @MySQL2 = @MySQL2 + @TheWord +' '

    -- more word(s) add the ANDorOR and get rid of the first word

    if @wordcount > 1


    set @MySQL2 = @MySQL2+ @ANDorOR

    set @searchterms= replace(@searchterms, SUBSTRING(@Searchterms,1,@Spaceat),'')

    set @searchterms= ltrim(@searchterms)


    set @wordcount=@wordcount -1


    select @mysql2 as TextSearch -- remove this line

  • Ok I can see the flaw - its the replace function that causes the problem

    set @searchterms= replace(@searchterms, SUBSTRING(@Searchterms,1,@Spaceat),'')

    when it removes '1 ' it affects '11 ' in the searchterms etc

    Need to change the logic to drop the first part of searchterms or select Right of Searchterms from @SpaceAt

    thanks for looking

  • You can use

    set @searchterms = SUBSTRING(@Searchterms,@Spaceat,len((@Searchterms)))

    instead of

    set @searchterms= replace(@searchterms, SUBSTRING(@Searchterms,1,@Spaceat),'')




  • Thats exactly what I did Ramesh - works a treat now

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