Report Server Timing out after 120 Minutes

  • Hi

      I am trying to execute a long running report on sql sever using Report Server 2000(SP2).

     The SP which Report Server is calling is taking about 3 Hours to generate result set and i am using SQL Server 2000(SP4) as DB Server.

      IE6 page is showing the following message after 2 hours.


    Action canceled

    Internet Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable.


    All the execution time checkboxes/radiobuttons are checked as unlimited.

    i am using 1.1.4322 and IE 6.0.3790.0.

    I am not sure what i am missing here.

    Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.


  • Well primaryly try to optimize your query, do index tuning on your tables and see if you can optimize your stored procedure. And try to see the timeout setting on your report server, I believe your report should be timing out much before 120 minutes.


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • I have also had time out issues before.  Here are a couple things for you to look at:

    KB181050 microsoft knowledge base article on timeouts.

    also make sure the of the default timeout on the server isn't too low.

    Basically what happens is internet explorer doesn't get a reply back from the server within the ie settings and then it gives the error.

  • For long-running reports like this, why don't you run the SP on a separate process (SQL Agent schedule or something), and save the resultset to a static table. Then you base the report out of that table and the reendering will be instantaneous.

    Of course, the issue is how often you'll need to run the SP to refresh the data, or if parameters are needed for the execution, then you will need another approach.



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