Can I backup database DDL only?

  • I have a development server, with a small number of development databases on it.

    Some of them can contain vast amounts of data - data which is randomly generated and of no real value.

    I want to be able to backup the 'sturcture' of all the databases on the server, but not the data.

    In worse-case scenario, if I lost the server, I want to be able to re-create the 'empty' databases, ie. without the data.

    If I chose to perform 'normal' backups, even in the Simple Model, I will end up repeatingly backing up vast amounts of worthless data.  All i want to backup is the empty databases.

    Can this be done within SQL Server 2000, and/or will I need to create scripts, and/or do they already exist?

    (I'm assuming I will need to perform normal backups of the master and msdb databases too.)



  • Don

    The easiest way is indeed to create a script.  Right-click on the database in Enterprise Manager and choose Generate SQL Script.  You can then make lots of choices about what objects you script and how.


  • I was aware how to do it manually, for individual databases, but I wanted a way of automating it.

    Either automating it for individual databases - in which case I would set up a scheduled job for each database to backup it's own DDL - or to automate it for ALL databases to be backed up.

    If I could at least find the TSQL script to perform the DDL backup for an individual database, I could create my own script to cycle through ALL the databases on a give server and apply that script.

    Anyone with ideas of what the script looks like?



  • DDL is data stored in the system tables within a database...

    Have you tried 



  • Here is a VB6 or VBA script to do one db, you could easily adapt to script them all...

    Sub ScriptDatabase(dbname As String, outfile As String)


        '   this procedure requires a reference to:


        '       Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library


        Dim svr As SQLDMO.SQLServer

        Dim dbs As SQLDMO.Database

        Dim tbl As SQLDMO.Table

        Dim idx As SQLDMO.Index

        Dim trg As SQLDMO.Trigger

        Dim chk As SQLDMO.Check

        Dim viw As SQLDMO.View

        Dim prc As SQLDMO.StoredProcedure


        Dim db2 As SQLDMO.Database2

        Dim fnc As SQLDMO.UserDefinedFunction


        Dim sql As String


        On Error GoTo err_sub


        Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass


        ' init output file

        Open outfile For Output As #1


        ' SERVER

        Set svr = New SQLDMO.SQLServer

        svr.LoginSecure = True

        svr.Connect "localhost"


        ' DATABASE

        Set dbs = svr.Databases(dbname, "dbo")

        sql = dbs.Script

        Print #1, sql


        ' TABLES

        For Each tbl In dbs.Tables

            If Not tbl.SystemObject Then

                sql = tbl.Script

                Print #1, sql

                For Each idx In tbl.Indexes

                    sql = idx.Script

                    Print #1, sql

                Next idx

                For Each trg In tbl.Triggers

                    sql = trg.Script

                    Print #1, sql

                Next trg

                For Each chk In tbl.Checks

                    sql = chk.Script

                    Print #1, sql

                Next chk

            End If

        Next tbl


        ' VIEWS

        For Each viw In dbs.Views

            If Not viw.SystemObject Then

                sql = viw.Script

                Print #1, sql

            End If

        Next viw



        For Each prc In dbs.StoredProcedures

            If Not prc.SystemObject Then

                sql = prc.Script

                Print #1, sql

            End If

        Next prc


        ' FUNCTIONS

        Set db2 = svr.Databases(dbname, "dbo")


        For Each fnc In db2.UserDefinedFunctions

            If Not fnc.SystemObject Then

                sql = fnc.Script

                Print #1, sql

            End If

        Next fnc


        Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault

        Close #1

        Set dbs = Nothing

        Set db2 = Nothing


        Set svr = Nothing

        Exit Sub



        MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error # " & Err.Number

        Resume exit_sub


    End Sub


  • John, I have a similar problem, but myu databse has several store procedures, some of then referencing others.

    It could be a problem the creation order of these procedures?



  • Luis

    It shouldn't be a problem.  If you try to create a stored procedure that calls another that doesn't exist, you'll get a warning message but the stored procedure will be created anyway.


  • Create a DTS package with a Copy SQL Server Objects task that copies the objects but not the data to a documentation database (the task only works if copying between SQL Server databases) then schedule the package to run regularly.

    You can have a separate task for each database in the one package.



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