SSIS and DTsx packages

  • Does anyone know if SSIS needs to beoinstalled in order to run a Dtsx package ?

  • If you're running it through the development studio, then no.  If you want to execute it otherwise, I believe you do.  I have been having problems with this myself.  Running packages outside the development studio, say in an application, did not work correctly until I installed IS on my machine.  Then I could load the dtsx file and execute all steps successfully.  Until then, only certain steps would run.  THe others gave me some sort of interface not supported message.

    Do you have a specific problem with it or are you just curious?

  • Well, We have a Dtsx package that needs to run once in a while on the productionserver.

    If SSIS is not needed we'd rather not install it.

    Thx for the reply.


  • I remember reading somewhere that in order to run dtsx packages outside the BIDS, you would need to install SSIS.  I don't know for sure if that is true, but from what little testing I've been trying to do it seems to be.  The easiest thing to do would be to create a little test package, put it on your production server, and try it.  I believe you'll find you need to install SSIS somewhere in order to run it. 

    In order to deploy the package to a server, I believe that server has to have SSIS running on it. 

  • I intend to do this test, but for now i am little short of time, so , we'll install it for now.

    Ths again for the info


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