Copying detached databases over the network with T-SQL

  • I have a T-SQL script which deataches and attaches the database. Now here is what I want to do:

    I want to create a SQL Server Job and schedule it to run at a particular time of the month to Detach all the databases on my local machine and *Copy all the deatched databases over a network machine* and then Attach those Database.

    All this should be done in T-SQL. I already have the T-SQLs for Attaching and Detaching. All I need is to know the T-SQL (example) which will copy the *Detached Databases* from mu local computer to my Network Computer. How do I achieve that?


  • I don't know about tsql but in the job you can have a cmdexec that has a call to xcopy which would do the job.

  • are you hinting towards xp_cmdshell??

  • get hold of robocopy ( from the windows resource kit ) and use xp_cmdshell to create the cmd line to do the file copy.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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