Reporting Services Format of rendered Excel report

  • Hi All,

    I am so very distressed with Reporting Services. When the report is rendered, the values are perfect. BUt once it is viewed in Excel, the values go haywire though they remain alright in PDF.

    Besides, no article gives me info on subscription appropriately.

    Best regards,





  • Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say "the values go haywire"?

    Are the values different, or are they just presented differently.

    I've noticed with my reports that export to Excel you have to be very exact with your column alignments. It takes a lot of trial and error to get it right.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • How is your report designed?  Is it columnar using the table control?  I too have found that if the report is not columnar, going to excel puts most of the text in the first column so it looks elongated rather than in each column.


  • Can you be more descriptive of "haywire".  If for example you are using a numeric value for a part number and the value is 12345678901, it should display correctly but if the value is 123456789012 then Excel will display it as


     Excel assumes that the value is numeric, but if the cell which contains the value is formatted as text BEFORE any entries are made then it will display as 123456789012.  If this is what you mean by "haywire" then you need to display your data using an Excel template with the columns properly formatted for the data that they will contain.

    Hope this helps

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Thanks to all for your answers. By going haywire. I meant I used the format for a cell in Reporting Services as ##0.##,"%". Thus implying that it is a number with maximum two decimal places and appended with it is the % sign.

    The report thus generated had correct values when deployed and viewed in IE but when ported to Excel, the cell showed correct value in the display bar at the top of the Excel file but in the cell it displayed a different value.

    Now I have put the value ##0.## in the Reporting Services and it displayes correct values. But I need to append % sign to it as well. Any suggesstions?



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