Need Ideas for automation

  • I have been asked me to look into developing some new reporting tools ( using reporting services)  as well as other processes( SQL Jobs, web pages, etc)  that would support our help desk efforts and our DBA functions.

    Some ideas that have surfaced are:

    1. A report of the data movement of the previous 24 hours.

    2. A report of report usage (most popular reports / user/ business area) most failures/ longest running

    3. Server(s) with blocked processes, long running processes etc.

    4. Centralize the daily audits to one server 

    5. Disk space availability

    6. Source code control for Builds

    I am looking for some more ideas of things you wished you had time to do to help you in your daily job. The more ideas the better!!



  • Automate any repetitive manual tasks, prioritized by the amount of time you spend doing them.

    Write general-case and/or parameterized solutions for these, so that they will be ready to handle new situations with no or very little work.

  • Thanks

    There are many task that we do daily that will fill the bill. I was hoping to hear a few 'show stoppers' like a dashboard that reports data availability. Or a server 'health o meter' for cpu utilization blocked processes.

    I'm a pretty good DBA but glad to be getting back to the development side of life and looking for a couple of long term efforts to propose up the management chain.



  • Maybe a webpart for Sharepoint that would dispaly the status of the backend databases, jobs, stats, locks, and alerts for database size thresholds. A enterprise manager webpart would be great.

    The art of doing mathematics consists in finding that special case which contains all the germs of generality.

    Kindest Regards,

    The art of doing mathematics consists in finding that special case which contains all the germs of generality.

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