Error sending PDF format via e-mail

  • I have several issues with PDF in Report Services.

    When I send a report via a subscription (both HTML & PDF) the HTML works just fine but when I try to open the PDF I get the following error.

    Adobe Reader could not open '~434124.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type

    or because the file has been corrupted (for example, it was sent as a email attachment

    and wasn't correctly decoded).

    The same report when Exported within Report Manager displays just fine other than the sizing (see Sara Anderson post 6/15/2004)

    I have applied SP1 for Reporting services and I am using adobe 6.0.1 

    Not sure how to track down this problem. We are moving from Cizer to RS but a lot of our reports are e-mailed as PDF's and this is a real show stopper for making the move.

    I did additional testing and I find that any report type (e.g. .tif, .xls, etc.) that is e-mailed via a subscription does not display. Error that I get is Unknown format...

    Any ideas would sure be appreciated

  • You have just defined a problem with binary (non-text) attachments. 

    Binary attachments to email must be encoded (MIME, uuencode, etc) to pass all the byte values over the text-based email system.  Most email programs make this transparent to the user on both the sending and receiving ends.

    I haven't used Report Services, so I can't tell you where to look, but there should be an option for handling binary attachments.




  • Thanks John, I will go do some research and  see what I can find. Will post my results later...Thanks again...

  • After exhaustive research I finally found a posting in a newsgroup on Microsofts web site for Report Services that mentioned a problem similar to the one I was having. MS has a hotfix. The hotfix is tied to KB article which has not been released to the public.

    KB Article Number(s): 872774

    Unfortunately you must contact MS at this time to get the Hotfix (it requires a password that changes weekly) I suspect they are still testing...Anyway this fixed all binary attachments sent via e-mail from Report Services. I tested Adobe(.pdf) Excel (.xls) Tiff (.tif) all worked fine after applying Hotfix...


    Hopefully if your using Lotus Notes and experience the same problem you will now know where to obtain the correct solution.

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