Error during restore

  • I'm trying to restore a database on a server. I've created an empty database an then tried to restore the database on it.

    The problem is that I get this error:

    MODIFY FILE encountered system error 112(error not found) while attempting to expand the physical file. Could not adjust the space allocation for file 'Folkspel_Log'. RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    The problem is not:

    1. The file system (it is NTFS). Besides it's the log (40 MB) that it crashes on.

    2. Not the rights assigned to the user.

    3. Not the harddrive space (there should be 17 GB left after restore).

    4. Not the character set (if it matters)

    Any ideas?


  • after selecting the backup file chekc the log and database path from the second tab of the restore window

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  • Dinesh,

    Thanks for your suggestion. I Tried it now. The paths was incorrect, but when I corrected them the restore gave the same result.

    Any other takers?



  • have you select the option of Force restore over exisitng database option

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  • Yes, then it claimed I did not have enough memory. I know this to be untrue.


  • I am have ran out of ideas!!!

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  • Ok I'm going to my customer this afternoon. I'm going to copy the actual files (MDF & LDF) and then try to attach the database.

    In the meanwhile, anyone else with any other ideas


  • Just a longshot, but do you have unlimited growth for the files, or a fixed size?

  • Unlimited, unfortunately.


  • Just a thought but don't pre-create the database.  Just perform a restore db under Enterprise manager, specify the db name you want and then point off to the backup files to be used.  Ensure as described earlier that you set the correct path to create the db and log files (as a trial just select the same disk for both if there is space).


  • Every system error 112 error I have seen is due to insufficient disk space - usually during backup operations.

    You may find that the original database had a huge log file but was using very little of this space. This will result in a small backup file (in proportion to the original DB size) but SQL will attempt to expand the log file to match the original log size - hence the out of disk space error.


  • I have the backup restored on another server and can therefore check the actual sizes of the files. Therefore I think I can say with great certainty that there is no shortage of memory.

    Thanks anyway,


  • No the previous post was referring to disk space not memory.  Before you backup the source database do the following:

    backup log 'dbname' with truncate_only

    then shrink both the db and log files either via EM or dbcc commands

    then backup the database

    then restore it without pre-creating the database, ensuring that the destination path is valid for the destination server.

    This will ensure the smallest db size for data and log files created at the destination.  Again ensure that there is sufficient DISK space at the destination for data and log files.


  • I second dharper's idea.  That's the simplest way.

  • I have the same error and have no idea how to proceed.

    Do anyone have any suggestion



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